Beautiful Birth, starting over


I haven't posted on this board for many many months. I had infertility and successfully acheived pregnancy - twice - using herbs. The 2nd time, it was a much more intense treatment and I had a wonderful herbalist who told me that once he got my body chemistry right, my fertility would return and it wasn't just a one-time fix like western fertility treatments. I did not believe him. I thought that it worked for others as he had lots of examples, but I really did not think it would happen with me. Well, he was right and I had a surprise pregnancy.

We had the most beautiful homebirth in October. I never thought I was in labor because it wasn't painful. I had been induced with my first two and thought that was how labor was, well, since it NEVER got like that, I just thought it was very early stage labor or else it was false labor. When my midwife stopped by to drop off the liner for our birth tub she offered to check me and I agreed, thinking that if I was only a 2 or 3, I'd know that it was going to be a while. I was FLOORED to be told that I was dilated to a 9 1/2. I was just still chatting between contractions and interacting with my kids. They didn't get on my nerves at all, even as they were being very noisy and jumping in and out of the tub and having pillow fights. I never experienced the "emotional sign-posts" or "transition". I did have a few very intense contractions, but I was still fine. Anyway, enough of that, but I was amazed at how easy and great my all natural labor and birth was and am so extremely grateful to have had the experience and also very sad that most women do not get to have that and don't get the amazing joy of catching your own baby, and are so filled with fear.

I have a prolapsed bladder and now that my baby is here, I can re-focus on that. I had barely learned about whole woman when I found out I was pregnant. Frankly, it's miserable to have this problem and I feel like a freak. It's very comforting to be able to come here and find out that I am not alone.


Thank you so much, Monica, for sharing with us this wonderful story...hopefully you are or will begin doing the exercises to reverse the cystocele.


hi, monica, and congratulations on your new arrival!
I understand you when you say that you feel like a 'freak'....that is just how i felt when i discovered that i had prolapses. i felt that i was somehow not a proper woman, or i had lost some of my feminitity somehow. but now (and mostly due to this site!) i have come around to thinking that it is precisely because of our femininity that these things occur! By focusing on the way the female body was designed to exist, through the healing posture and exercises, and concentrating on nurturing and healing that which is at the core of ourselves, both physically and emotionally, I have found a new, deeper side to my feelings about being a woman. And they are very positive feelings! That's not to say that I don't have my down days about it all, but feeling more in touch with my body (along with the encouraging accounts on these postings) does give me hope!
georgina x