Question about Pump class


Hello Ladies
I just read a long topic on here about Pump classes, and while it was help ful to read about swuatting in the right posture, there was no real answer on whether I could do it or not. Also, a point was brought up that you should possibly use free weights and not the bar. I would REALLY like to get back into these classes. I intend on using the bar with one light weight, if a weight at all. I intend on keepong posture the whole time. After reading the pump post though I am feeling nervous. I have a rectocele, cysto and uterine prolapse. I just want to excercise and feel strng again and I would really like to do a class like this once a week for my strength. I am also wanting to start Bikram Yoga, but that is a whole other post, after I have done a search! I know that some will suggest I dont do these at all, but walking is not an option long term and as I have a gym memebership, limited time due to kids and full time wrk, doing two classes a week of something is something I would love to be able to fit into my lifestyle with my POP. I apreciate any feedback on the pump class, and whether you think it would be ok.
thanks so much