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I'm not sure if I'm experiencing a sort of prolapse or what. Just today in the shower I discovered what I thought might be a "forgotton" tampon. It turned out to be part of me! It seems to be bulging from the back.

I am not in any pain, nor is it tender. I did, however, just have uterine surgery for fibroid removal approximately 6 weeks ago. Has anyone heard of this and does it sound like a pelvic floor problem? Also, should I see my doctor? I'd truly rather not.



Hi Kathy and welcome,

Well...the more you can validate, educate, and empower yourself about the workings of your body the better...and yes, that includes a trip to your doctor for a proper diagnosis. And while you're there...tell him/her to log onto Wholewoman!!:-)

Wishing you well,


Hi, thats how mine started. Go to see your OB/GYN straight away to get a proper diagnosis. In the meantime, try not to bear down or do any heavy lifting to strain the muscles down there.

Be sure to read as much as you can on this site, as a life of learning to live with prolapse is not a life of being an invalid. Go to the home page and download the posture download as it will instruct you as to how to your body in such a way that the pelvic bone supports your organs the way your body was designed to do. The posture of the female design is much different from the male design and it is not the posture that our society promotes. Read the posts here about exercises and posture. Walking is the best thing you can do while holding the posture. It REALLY does help. Christine's work is pioneering the way the medical feild will look at how to deal with prolapse. Kegals, electric Stim, kegal sizers, etc. have proven to be ineffective as the pelvic floor weakness is symptom, not the problem.