Bliss Balm


I just got my jar of Bliss Balm today. I'm in menopause and experiencing vaginal dryness but not sure about OTC products so I'm excited to try this. Should I use it every day, occasionally or just for intimate times. My cystocele was confirmed a couple of years ago and for the most part I do okay. It does peek through the vaginal opening sometimes and that's why I thought the Bliss Balm would be good. Also, lately I've noticed that the vulva seems to be shrinking. Is this a normal aging process and will anything help restore it? I don't want to do hormone therapy. I feel like I'm turning into a little old lady and at 59, I'm not ready. Thanks to all.

Hi Janan

I use it whenever I feel like it. I am nearly 56, and having periods about every two months for the last year or so, so I guess I have a little while to go before menopause. Who knows? I had about six months last year when I was very dry in the vulva, though my vagina seemed OK. My vulva seems moister again lately. I use BB whenever I feel uncomfortable rubbing in the vulva or that my bladder kind of sticks back over my vaginal opening. The BB just seems to let all the external surfaces slide over each other more easily so my organs can reposition themselves more easily. I also use it for sexual intercourse. I guess on average I would use it almost every day for one reason or another. If there is any vulva irritation present I just substitute Vulva Balm for a couple of days.

If I use too much balm is just absorbed into my knickers. I normally wash in cold water but I do find that an occasional hot, soapy pre-soak for a batch of knickers removes any oily residue.



Where can I purchase Bliss Balm - or Christines balms? Replens has made my vagina bleed. Ouch

Hi Rojo - Can't buy it these days (I would too, if I could). But if you go over to the Resources tab, then scroll down to the link for Whole Woman Living Arts, there is a video showing Christine making up a batch of her red clover salve. I thought that was the same as Bliss Balm, and I'm told it's not, but it's probably just what you're looking for. - Surviving