New here...two failed vaginal prolaplse (with rectocele) with mesh slings....


Hi I am new here. I don't know if I am posting in the right place or not. Perhaps you can enlighten me. I have had two failed surgical procedures for prolapse (mesh was used in both cases)...the mesh fell into my bowels and I had to have extensive surgery to remove the mesh, and I now have a temporary ileostomy because of it. What a mess! Had I known better I never would have had surgery for these prolapses in the first place. When I had my bowel surgery in September all of the mesh was removed and now I have another prolapse of something falling down. I am feeling so discouraged. I won't write more until I know I am posting in the right forum...Thank you for letting me vent a little!

Hi Samnabby

I guess this is the right Forum, if you are peri/menopausal. Menopause can do all sorts of silly things, including reducing grown women to a state of despair. If the topic turns out to be more relevant to a different forum, eg Pelvic Health, the moderators can easily move it and all the comments related to it, then we just continue the discussion as it started.

Did you have a look at any of the more surgical sites to see if there are other women who have had similar experiences with surgical repair and its reversal, re what happens after that?

You may have to be patient and wait until the ileostomy is reversed to see what the outcome really is at the end of it all. A friend of mine recently had a temporary ileostomy after complications of surgery for removal of endometriosis-affected tissue. That ileostomy has now been closed up and she is feeling much better a couple of months down the track.

Keep posting.



for all that you have gone through! It's really important what you say -- that if you had known then what you know now that you wouldn't have done it. It hasn't turned out the way you planned. I think it's easy for women to think that surgery is a quick fix. There are experiences for all of us that we have to accept what we chose, and learn from our choices. You have much to teach us. We all do the best we can with the info we have at the time. Healing is open for all, not just those who haven't had surgery. Even Christine has had a procedure, and she has pioneered this work. So, I say stay, teach us by what you've experienced, and see what healing can happen for you ... Thanks for coming here to share.