I just took my new pessary for a spin


I was fitted for a pessary last week. I said I wanted something I could just put in once in a while if I wanted to take the kids to the zoo or be on my feet for the day. We tried three different kinds and I left with the one I wanted. The gyn's office had it in stock. It is very easy to put in and not too bad to remove.

This morning I decided it was time to take it for a spin. My son and I put the baby in the stroller and headed out. Yeah me! Everything stayed where it should and the pessary didn't budge. I don't know if I could wear it all day as I am nursing and dryness is an issue. I stayed in posture as best I could while walking. I'm still getting the hang of that.

Anyway, just wanted to report some happy news. I'm trying to save the money for the DVD. I should be able to order soon. I'm hoping the workout will help me with the spasms. As long as I have hope, all will be well.

Please, Kaismom, could you tell the name of the pessary you got? It sounds just what I want. Hope it continues satisfactory, Alix.

The one I got is called the Gellhorn. I have triple organ prolapse and tried the sea pearl sponges but found them irritating. I couldn't even feel the Gellhorn. If you are going the pessary route I would at least ask to try how it feels. Being fitted for the right style is very much trial and error. I happened to get lucky the first time out.