Change re;PT attitude?


Hey,Hope I don"t lose this post and get so frusted again. Wanted to let y'all know.I had posted in "07" an assault I had and waoking with PTsre: chronic pain and newly dicovered POP. After over 30 treatments,etc. PTs would not consider Christines' work.I have been seening a GYN and problem only seen from that view.In the meantime I started having more structyral pain,and got a referral to chronic pain again.This time one of same pain PTs and I had a talk.I have the back/hip pain to the max.She gave me an eval. and said POP,etc structural and explained how tatally out of allighnment I was and GYN was not the answer to my problem.She now has my copy of Christine's 2nd book. And seems to better under understand what I was trying to say befor. And she is not poo-pooing it.She confirms my increase in pain and that what I tried to explain in book this time is seen as she explained her exam of me.She is also sensitive to not wanting to keep increasing vicodone.I see her in 2 weeks ,before if cancellation. I wanted to let y'all know that I at least feel listened to.I am pleased to have a site that can give me info to work with. Again the posting is done on public computer, and I just try to get something on site as best I can. Have to go, Thanks,Pat

Hi Pat

Hooray! Hooray! You lucky lady, finding a PT who will listen to you! And she is learning the Wholewoman language! It can be very frustrating trying to get through to somebody who hasn't the faintest idea what you are talking about. Stay with it. You may both learn a thing or two. One of the hardest things about POP is how nobody can talk about it easily, so you can feel very lonely with POP. That's why we are all here.

Thankyou Wholewomen, for being my companions on the road.

