Menopausal cervix


Hi All

Hey, I just discovered something weird. My 56 year old cervix has just changed shape. It used to be kind of soft and squishy, and quite big with a little donut hole in the middle. Since it has been riding higher in my vagina I haven't noticed it much. I just noticed last night that it is now harder, smaller and quite conical. I cannot find any evidence of the little donut hole any more.

You know how the books talk about your cervix feeling like the end of your nose? Well, I think mine just turned into the end of Michael Jackson's nose!

Has anyone else noticed their cervix changing?

I have googled for images of "menopause cervix" and can only find youthful, soft squishy ones. Where are all the crones' cervixes??? Why won't anybody talk about the crone's cervix??? Why won't anyone put pictures of the crone's cervix up there on the Web???



Michael Jackson's bumpy nose cracking a wry smile with a little tongue hanging out.