Using a sponge, uterine dreams, internal massage


hello everyone--
As I mentioned to "Young Mommy" using a sponge has for me been most helpful in getting rid of that 'falling down' feeling--although I realize it doesn't affect the overall structural problems--or does it?
For me the 'posture' has not been helpful. I have a small pelvis, with a large fibroid, that is very low. My uterus is retroverted, and I can feel it on my right side. With one finger inside on my cervix, I can feel the uterus move when I move the cervix. I have been experimenting with laying on my left side and using both hands, one finger inside, one hand outside, to try to stear the little womb more toward the center and more toward the front. Noting miraculous yet, but it seems to help. . .
in one dream, some Native Americans were going to hold a pow-wow inside a community rec center. I said, "but there's no room inside!" as I woke up, I thought, this is about my pelvic organs. . .
And, by the way, I do believe in ceremony and community and have seen some very moving artwork/sculpture around women and breast cancer. . .but where is the fibroid artwork? The pelvic prolapse? I've thought of actually making a 3 dimensional model of yarn, or maybe somehow a quilt, of my fibroids. . .Save your red material. . .
In another dream, I had a very strong message that a certain yoga pose would help me with my prolapse. In waking life, it hasn't exactly been a miracle, but I do think it is on the right track. What I'm working with intuitively is that all the one-legged poses--in my case, with the right leg able to act as a lever to lift, broaden, create more space on the right side of my belly--have value.
I naturally have a lot of lumbar curve, and what my body craves is to lie belly down on a bolster, with the pubic bone on the bolster and tractioning a little bit the skin of the lower abdomen up toward the navel. sometimes I do this on the edge of a bed, with my knees on the floor. The pressure on my low belly helps create more space in my back pelvis and helps me to move my bowels in the morning. I think this works this way for me because otherwise my fibroid is pressing against my colon quite a bit.
I'm almost twice as old as "Young Mommy" but I am not going to resign myself to this condition. . .My intention is to live and die with all my parts, all my parts in place, and nothing extra!

Dear Gardengal,

Thank you for sharing your truth with us. I