semi kneeling stools


This is one for Christine please. Because of my hip/buttock injury I find office chairs pretty uncomfortable and have been thinking about a semi kneeling stools. I'm now hesitating because they do put your body into an obtuse angle which you don't recommend for good POP management. Your advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.


Sally, I know you're looking for a response from christine rather than an ignoramus like me, but i thought I'd just chip in that I got a Wave Stool (made in cumbria) a couple of years back when I was having problems with my upper back/neck and it worked well - it's triangular shaped and on a rocker base and it operates a bit like a swiss ball - you have to stabilise yourself to stay upright so it's good for core stability and it deters you from slumping (I find even ergonmic office chairs encourage you to slump backwards into them). i used to sit further forward (towards the narrower end) in my pre-prolapse period but find I now need to sit further backward onto the seat or my bits get a bit weary.

anyway, just a thought.

Mumtogirls London

Hi Sally,

I like the wavechair that Mum suggested, but can’t understand why they put it on rockers. The core stability theory is bogus imho. We need a stable platform so we can relax our abdominals, stretch up, and breathe! If it were not on rockers you could straddle it more easily for yet another great seated position.

I bought a semi-kneeling chair a few years ago and had to get rid of it after a couple of weeks, as my knee caps were working their way toward injury. The knees aren’t made for that kind of constant stress and if you spend a lot of time at your computer you’ll really feel it there.

I sit on a low, wide, round stool that lets me sit cross-legged, regular right-angle, or straddle. It’s an antique wooden wheel from India, but the concept of a low, wide stool is very simple if you could find a carpenter to make one. A piano bench might work, but you couldn’t straddle it.

:) Christine

Thanks for seat info ladies. Did wonder about the pressure on my old knes! Hadn't seen that stool before. Thanks for that Mum.