Burning pain!


I am wondering if uterus prolaps and cystocele could be the reason for my BURNING pain in my lower abdomen. It feels like something is preassuring on the bladder. It feels like I have a UIV all the time. It feels like i need to pee all the time, but just a few drops comes out. It seems like I cant emptying my bladder completely.

So my quiestion is, could a prolapsed uterus and bladder give these symptoms ?
It is driving me nuts :(

sorry bad english.

Hi Hopeful83. It sounds more like a urinary tract infection to me. Does it hurt to pee? It is hard to tell whether your bladder is empty, so there is not much to pee, or it is full, and it cannot get out. If it cannot get out it will back up to your kidneys, then it will hurt a lot higher up. Either way, it is not a good move to let a urinary tract infection turn into a kidney infection.better to get it checked out. I suggest you get it checked out. In the meantime, try peeing on all fours, maybe under the shower. This will keep your bladder well forward, so the urethra is straightened out, and can empty the best. You can also get urinary alkaliser tablets, which make up into a fizzy drink. This will make your urine less acidic so it won't aggravate your bladder and urethra as much.

Women with cystocele need to empty the bladder completely at least once a day to ensure that it is continually flushed out, so stale urine doesn't build up in there and encourage bacteria to grow.


please have that checked out
I had a (what I thought was mild) uti which quickly traveled to my kidney. it was the sickest I've ever been. if not for access to a wonderful doctor who happens to be a family friend I would have wound up in the hospital on IV abx. as it was, I got three injections of abx as well as a two week oral course and it was a month before I was back to myself. dr said I could have irreparably damaged the kidney had it gone on longer. or worse, I had temps of 104, was fainting, etc.
so I'm abit paranoid about uti's. get it checked out.

Thanks a lot =)

The thing is. This burning pain in my bladder and lower abdomen started 2 months after giving birth. When i checked in the mirror I looked like the front wall in the vagina had felt down a little bit. And I can feel the cervix a lot lower than I did before.
Therefor I believe its cystocele and uterus prolaps.

The burning pain come and go. But the last week it has been there constantly. It goes away during the night, but after beeing up a few minuits it starts again.

I have tested for infection twice, but it comes out negativ. I have had infections in my bladder a lot in my life, and it feels a bit different. But the feeling is similar.

So... a cystocele and uterus prolaps alone, cant give these pains?
I am reealy worryed it wont never go away :(

I am not familiar with that type of pain in the bladder/lower abdomen resulting from prolapse. some women report burning pain but in the vagina/vulva or cervix. often caused by irritation. the fact that you say your pain is INSIDE the bladder and abdomen makes me think it isn't primarily the prolapse. although, as louise pointed out, prolapse makes emptying the bladder more difficult which could result in uti.
how old is your baby now? anything else going on?
I can't say for the burning pain, but most symptoms of prolapse do subside in time with good management.

I agree with the other posts. Take your temperature a few times a day, even if you have a low-grade fever it's probably an infection. But at the very least, it's an inflammation. Obviously the bladder emptying on all fours is important, as is drinking loads of water. I've never used antibiotics for cystitis, apart from in my youth before homoeopathy, and hom remedies have always worked. You might want to check these out and have some on standby, there are several remedies that are good for cystitis. For example, if the urethra burns on passing urine, an indicated remedy may be cantharis (not clear about this from your post). If you don't want to go down that route, then I would recommend going to a doctor and having your urine tested. I'm also not clear from your post whether these particualr symptoms are new and acute or have been going on for a few weeks. If they have, and are not getting worse, you probably have time to ask for a proper culture to be done so that you get the specific antibiotic rather than a broad spectrum one ie it should work first time rather than be a bit hit and miss and maybe necessitate another lot. Hope that makes sense Frances

My baby is 6 months old.

My theory is, if the uterus is a little prolapsed, then it will put preassure on the bladder right? Dosent it makes kind of scense that this will give a preassure/pain feeling on tha bladder? I really thought it was the reason for my pain.

Or could the pain come beacuse I cant emptying my bladder..? will this result in a pain?
I will def try to pee on all four in the shower, thanks for the advice.

As I said..the test for infection comes out negativ, so I really dont think I have an infection.

Another thing I find really weird. I used to pee from a little hole right below my clitoris... But when I look in the mirror now, it looks like the urethra has moved down to right over the opening of the vagina. In between the inner lips. Could the urethra move like that?! I am kinda scared about the whole thing :(

Hope you understad my english.

Hi Hopeful83
First of all, many sympathies. Re the possibility of infection, it's worth keeping an eye on your temperature and having tests repeated because it might develop in to an infection or currently be very low-grade so that it's not being picked up - there's no need to be alarmed, just stay aware. I know of women for whom it took many tests before infection was finally revealed, even though all the symptoms of infection had been present for a while.
Re the nature of the pain, yes, pressure from the uterus on the bladder will cause certain sensations of pressure, discomfort, bearing down etc. For me, this lessens when the bladder has just been emptied. Burning pain is usually inflammation, which may or may not be infection.When you say burning, could it perhaps be nerve pain (from a compressed nerve?), more of a tingling or shooting pain?
In any case, if there is pressure on the bladder it is very possible that it's not emptying completely and that at some point this could cause infection, so it's well worth taking all the suggested precautionary measures.
But, the other important thing apart from the pain is that being anxious uses up a lot of time and energy and maybe you would find it reassuring to get a physical examination. I can't really imagine circumstances under which the urethra would move down like that, maybe someone else here could enlighten you more. I suspect that a physical exam would at least set your mind at rest on that score. Also, the fact that it has got worse over the last week suggests that it's worth getting checked.
I ought to say that this advice is coming from someone who loathes going to the doctor and only does so in extremis and I too have done the worrying with mirror in hand wondering what on earth is going on. I use alternative therapies instead of conventional medicine and they work very well so I very rarely go to the GP. But I think that it's probably wise to do something here, if only for your own peace of mind, because nobody here can give you a cast-iron diagnosis and it'll probably be an almighty relief. Hope this helps best wishes

I tryed the peeing in the shower on all four thing, and it acutally helped! I felt like finally the bladder was empty. The urin, sorry the details, smelt very strong. I guess I havent been able to empty my bladder for a while, and that has somehow irritaded the bladder. Thank you so much for the advice.

Hope someone has an idea about the uretha-thing.

So glad that helped. Remember to drink lots. Frances xx

dd is waiting for me to read to her, so I will be brief

its pretty commen among women with a prolapsed bladder and/or urethra to find that the urethral opening moves to a different position. this is one reason that might make it difficult to fully empty.
happy to hear the all-fours is helpful for emptying

feel better soon!

I reckon the urethra doesn't move. The distance between clitoris and anus remains the same. The length of the perineum can change after childbirth, esp if there has been an unhealed tear or episiotomy with the birth. This makes the back of the entrance to the vagina move backwards. The anterior vaginal wall can sag, which makes the front of the entrance to the vagina vagina move backwards, so it seems like the whole vaginal entrance has moved. Prior to pregnancy the entrance to the urethra could seem to be closer to the clitoris, because it is almost inside the vaginal entrance but it is now lower, but further back because of the sag. In other words, it is all about relative position changes, both backwards/forwards, as well as up/down.

Make any sense?

So glad you are finding you can empty your bladder better. The urine should never smell stale, even though it might be strong-smelling and more yellow first thing in the morning. I think this would definitely be a factor in inflammation of your bladder. Incomplete emptying of the bladder is one of the classic signs of POP. Ironically, no doctor or womens's health nurse has ever suggested to me ways of emptying the bladder completely. These methods that Christine has taught us, and that we have developed ourselves, is certainly secret women's business that is worthwhile passing on to all women. I can see how women would be begging for pelvic repair surgery after repeated bouts of this type of pain and repeated UTI's. I would also recommend ensuring that your knickers are always dry and clean. Faecal stains on knickers can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract by direct contact of faecal matter onto urethral opening. Change a few times a day if necessary.

This may solve your pain completely, but it might take a while for the inflammation to settle. Weeks, perhaps, if it is really inflamed. A urinary alkaliser might also help in the short term. I have used Ural in the past. It has never actually cured a UTI for me, but it has reduced the discomfort.

If the pain doesn't resolve, come back and we'll see if we can nut out some other solutions.

BTW, your English is just fine! :-)


do you drink caffeine? i used to drink it everyday and it was causing bladder spasms, as soon as I stopped those spasms went away. it did feel like a had a uti all the time when I was drinking the caffeine, and i've not had those feelings at all since i stopped. hope this helps and hope you're feeling better soon. amanda

I was astounded at the amount of coffee that people in The States drink, and robusta too, which is much higher in caffeine than arabica. Alemama, I know that spasming you are talking about. Drinking coffee frequently during the day could, no doubt, aggravate an irritated bladder badly. Cola drinks would have the same effect, if sipped all day. Yuk!

I only drink arabica, one cup most days. Yes, I do need a pee after a coffee, but then the 'need a pee' sensation passes. I cannot say one cup of coffee makes a difference to my bladder all day. I just love the taste of good coffee. A badly made coffee really puts a damper on my day though. ;-(


I was drinking caffeinated tea everyday, but since I've stopped, the spasms have been gone.

Wow! Wonderful news. Sometimes it is just so simple.