She is HERE!!!


She arrived on the 30th at 11:56am.
It was a wonderful water birth. I started labor on the way to church on Wednesday the 29th (the very day I predicted I'd have her but I'll settle with the fact that labor started that day). I knew! I knew it was 'it' and said, "I'm crazy for driving to church right now!" LOL! The songs we sang was the thing I needed. It did wonders creating a pattern for my ctx.

I went home and cleaned the house till 11pm. The ctx were 3 min. apart and I called Bonnie. She came over, I was a 6/7 cm. At 1am everything stopped. I went to bed, so did everyone else. At 5am things picked up again. Bonnie came in to say she had another mother in labor and had to leave but wll send a back up so she can check on this other mom. She checked me, I was STILL a 6/7.

Back up, Donnellyn Dominguez arrives. She was wonderful. I've met her before so it wasn't a complete stranger. I got into the waterbirth pool and really tried hard to concentrate. The things she said, encouraging me to breath down the baby in order to avoid a precipitous birth, which is ideal for a mother who has a history of prolapse. It was the confidence I needed to ease my fears, labor was effective after this point.

Matt, my husband got into the birth pool too. I began to sing/humm through the first part of the contractions then breath through the rest of the contraction. I could feel each one bringing the baby down.
Bonnie walks in. The other mother whom she went to see had already had her baby (second time mom, she was complete and ready to push when Bonnie got to her house). Donnellyn leaves.

I reached inside and could feel for myself the cervix. I had a cervical lip. I was determined to breath right through it and I did. The lip was gone, I was complete and continued to concentrate on breathing the baby down. My dh pressed two points on my sacrum (one thumb on each side) during each contraction. That was so amazing! It eased the pain. There was doula at the birth. She was trainging to be a Midwife as well, she was also so amazing. I have never felt the love from a doula before. That eased the pain too. It was incredible. My legs began to cramp so I went from squatting in the pool to sitting on my Matt's lap with his legs apart and my legs over his. It resembled a birth stool. The buoyancy of the water was incredible!

She crowned, THAT HURT LIKE HELL! I had my hand over me guiding her head the entire time slowly bringing her out. Bonnie and the apprentice could barely reach me. They were trying to check for the cord and got very wet, lol. No cord. Head was out. Then her body slid right out. I reached in the water and gently lifted my daughter to my chest.
My kids were all there. I had someone for my 2yr old in case, but he behaved very well. He kept saying, "Good Job Mommy!" When he saw his sister being born into the water his jaw litterally dropped and his eyes were wide open, lol.
She was COVERED in verinex! I have never seen such a thing. It was neat, actually.

I am so sore. My bottom hurts, not my vagina, but by bottom! Piper is nursing like a champ. And the rest of the kids adore her. She is definately off to a great start in her life.
10lb 2oz 21.5 inches long

Jaden my second child (6 yrs old) cut the cord. He felt so honored.

My daughter finally got the sister she prayed for. :)

Piper Aleighn :)

beautiful birth!
and you've got the sweetest family
enjoy them : )

Sounds perfect. When you checked your cervix did you notice your POP?

but especially mum!
sounds like a lovely birth experience - thanks for sharing it with us

Mumtogirls London

Another example of how perfect it can be. Thank you for sharing with us, Fruitful! Congratulations on having created a beautiful family. Enjoy them for the rest of your life! Christine


I noticed my bladder, which worried me a little. I was told things usually move out of the way for baby in the birth canal. My bladder eventually did that. Feeling the cervical lip against the baby's head was more on my mind than anything else. I could control it and I was empowered to take control of my own birth. It was great!