My rectocele is here! :(


It was definietly worth reading the pevious posts b/c I was waiting for the rectocele to appear (I have a mild cystocele), but I am devastated, just found it. I was kinda hoping I am gonna be an exception...
But Christine was right.
Just a note: my posterior vaginal wall was rock-hard and soooo stable, and yet rectocele is here (not big and hig up, now I know my cystocele is pretty high), so Kegels really han no effect on it whatsoever!

Please, please tell me I will get better! I want at least 3 more kids, I just hope it will happen!
Thanks for this site again, it is a tremendous help!


believe me, I know how it feels to start to come to terms with a cystocele only to develop a rectocele shortly thereafter. so I'm sorry, Liv {{{hugs}}}
If its any consolation, I had another baby and now I'm having another one. so a rectocele is no reason to stop you from having as many more babies as you want.
and another thing, my rectocele is exactly as it was when I first found it, completely asymptomatic, small and high. pg and childbirth had no detrimental effect on it at all.

Thanks a lot, Granolamom.
I have another Q for you. I remember you mentioned that you had to pee every half hour or so-in the beginnig. How did that change and when did it start to improve for you?
I started the posture/nauli/firebreathing 6 weeks ago (I am 7 mo pp and tandeming, so I have no more time) and feeling some improvement but my bladder still troubles me a lot (no incontinence though and I can fully empty it).



I'm not sure, Liv
it was a very gradual change, one day I realized that I wasn't running to the bathroom every hour anymore. I do know that it wasn't within weeks, and I'm guessing that it was sooner than 3 months.

it gets to a point and then just kinda stays there- then gradual improvements start to show. That is how it happened for me. I got here with just the rectocele- started the posture and other lifestyle changes and then like a slap in the face my anterior wall started to soften, and bam I had a cystocele. Next thing I knew I could reach my cervix (never before could I do this) and I was so sad. I wondered if what I was doing caused it all to get worse. But I stuck with it and gradually my cervix moved back up, my front wall became more concave and the rectocele got much smaller. The uterus is key here. Moving your uterus up and forward pulls everything else up and forward with it. Nauli really helped reposition my uterus. Keep on taking good care of your body. Rest well. It does get better.
I haven't really reported much postpartum yet- I need to do a full report- but I will say that @ 2 months pp my rectocele is no worse than it was after baby # 3. I was going to wait at least a year before I decided if my body could handle yet another pregnancy- but already I am thinking it will be okay....

I guess we are similar gals, I am 29 with 3 kiddos, babywearer, cloth diaper user, forever nurser, kinda crunchy mom too. :)

Thanks for your inputs. I just started this roller-coaster adventure, but I am encouraged by you a lot! Thanks again!
I guess I will just keep up with the good work and stay positive and hopeful.
