My Sea Sponge Experience


Well, I FINALLY made it over to the health food store and purchased my sea sponge. I was also buying groceries, etc, but the guy at the check out picked it up and asked what it was for. I'm pretty sure my face turned a slight shade of pink but I told him it was for cosmetics. At the other end, the bagger picked it up and commented on how cute it was, LOL, and said that it must be for the little guy (I had my baby in the sling at the time). I just nodded. But I left the store and couldn't help laughing right out loud imagining the looks on their faces if I had told them what it was actually for. I mean, they would have never asked anyone anything ever again, LOL.

Anyway, I haven't tried it out yet, but I think that the posture might be helping because it's just possible that my cystocele isn't quite as bad as it used to be. I still am leaking, but it seems like it's less.

I am SOOO looking forward to a massage and chiropractic adjustment on Monday. My back is like a brick wall and I feel that getting some movement back there will really help.


How funny!! :D This reminds me of another

LOL :-) That is VERY funny. My deep tissue massage was an interesting experience and I really didn't realize just how very bad things are until she started really digging in. I thought I had been doing the posture well, but the massage helped me have more body awareness and I see that I have continued to slump my shoulders - so now I will start working on getting the posture right and I have some serious hamstring issues to work on too.
