rectocele exercises (esp for davina)


This is for davina, only just spotted your request. Christine gave me this exercise when I first posted on here years ago, I've copied and pasted it. I've found it very helpful:

Get down on all fours and, while keeping your neck stretched toward the top of your head (in other words, don't look up) and your shoulders centered, raise one leg up behind you keeping the bend in that knee. Now begin lifting your foot toward the want the sole of your foot to reach toward the ceiling. You won't be able to stretch your leg all the way straight (at least I can't), but do a series of controlled leg lifts this way, really feeling the muscles work in the area of the buttocks, rectum, and rear pelvic floor. Begin with a few and then work up to 40-50 twice a day.

Hope you've spotted this and that it works for you, Judith

BTW I originally posted this yesterday evening on the blog spot but it hasn't shown up. I'm probably misunderstanding about how this works so sorry if I've committed a forum faux pas here, but I've re-posted it here to flag it up for Davina - I know how annoying it is when you know that you've seen some info in a post and can't find it on Search xx

Thanks for the exercises Judith, will give them a go. Diet and posture has already made a difference to my rectocele, I hardly notice it these days, but have to avoid many foodstuffs and am as a result losing lots of weight. Where's the balance?

- Davina

Hi Davi

Is the weight loss problematic? If you don't know when it will stop and it is a worry, or if you are already worried about it, how about visiting a dietician? They are the ones who can help you balance things up nutritionally. Look for one who will attend to your need to avoid certain foods. That way you will have somebody you can deal with, face to face, for your particular situation.



Thank you Judith,

It feels good!

Will add it to my list :)

It was Christine who gave it to me and I've been using it lots lately. It's actually from the first book I think. Judith xx

Davi - I've only just noticed this thread so not sure if you're still losing weight - but I have lost 10kg since I found my prolapses which makes me the tiniest I've ever been - almost underweight according to the BMI. Due to cutting out lots of wheat products and as I'm not having bread, I'm not having as much butter etc either. I've also cut out lots of processed foods and only eat half the meat I used to which has also contributed. My weight has stabilised now - I try to eat full fat dairy products and have some good quality dark chocolate (only a couple of squares) each day. I also have a large breakfast of muesli or porridge with nuts, seeds etc which all have quite a bit of fat in them. It seems to help. Still, I am booked in to see a dietician next month, just to make sure I'm on the right track. Hope this helps.

Which foods do you avoid having rectocele?