Nauli and vagina air Q


Hey, Ladies,

I am doing This Nauli for 2 months now with nice results, my cervix is at least 2 inches higher since I started it (yeah, it was kinda low). My goal is to increase tone of the anterior wall, which is still kinda saggy. I realized that if I Naulied (sorry I am making up new verbs, lol) with letting air in the vagina I'd feel the walls contracting more, cervix goes higher up. If I did a strong Kegel during Nauli,no air would go in, I'd feel a weaker lifting effect.

What do you think, is it harmful on the long run to pull air in frequently? Can it cause the walls to stretch more or it has a real strenghtening effect? (not just in my head, hehe)

Please, Nauli expert ladies, share your experiences or thoughts!
Thanks a lot

letting in air is not a good thing. Although things move higher up while doing firebreathing/nauli but then they go back where they started when I straighten up. However, when I do it without letting air in (most of the time I cannot control it, though - I had a forceps delivery) then things stay higher up.

am curious about that, Liv. I can do it "both ways" and feel like I accomplish more when there is air, but wonder if the goal is to do it without air. Maybe the air is just giving me a tangible way to know that something happened, and I should try more without it to strengthen the vaginal opening/walls/other structures?

Maybe alemama knows?

ok, this is what I think...

air coming in lets you know that the vagina is open, rather than the walls lying flat on top of one another (we want it flat). doing a kegel to prevent air doesn't flatten the vaginal canal (I dont' think so anyway) but rather closes to some degree the opening.
so I think - and again, this is just based on my very limited experience - that the air is irrelevant. I would nauli whichever way seemed to work best, as judged by strength of contraction and how long things stayed up.

but I would be very interested to hear what alemama thinks. she's my wise-woman of the nauli.

and another thought, not that you asked, is about increasing the tone of the anterior wall. I wonder if nauli can accomplish that directly, or if the pulling up is a pulling up of the organs and the skin/muscle tone is no longer pushed by the bulging organs so it can begin to shrink back to normal. or not if there's been significant damage. meaning, maybe its even possible to pull up the bladder to normal position even with a 'saggy anterior wall'. I wonder.

Hi Liv

Well, I've had air going in and out of my vagina for decades and I don't think it has been a major problem. Air is air, unless it is peak hour gridlock air. A vagina is basically a hidden-away pouch. It is not actually an internal organ, though the 'skin' is not strictly skin. It is open to the air.

I think that if you get air in there you need to gently allow it out again before going about your day, or else you have a bubble in there (open vagina, not flat, as Gmom says) which will push out in response to intraabdominal pressure which we experience every moment with normal breathing and movement. The vaginal inbreath will allow the organs to rise but you need to gently expel the air once they are up.

I look at the imperfect relation between prolapsed organs and fascia as being like the relation between a well-tailored jacket and your body. Put it on properly and it will fit perfectly even if the buttons are undone. If you drag it on in a hurry it won't sit properly until you adjust it properly, ie remove the air. Sure, if you have a street fight, you will have to adjust the jacket again.;-) So just do whatever you have to do to keep that jacket sitting properly. This includes reinforcing the weak parts of its structure with exercise, watching your weight so you don't end up with more in there than is comfortable, looking after it well. It does not include introducing new, non-matching material into its construction that will make it pucker and pull. That will just mess up the drape and fit.



Well, let's see what Alemama says. :)

Gmom, I see your point. I feel that air helps more, but again, I am not sure.
I really can feel some tone in my previously sagging anterior wall (one long bulge) and I guess it is good.

Anyways, Nauli is amazing!


Wow, great imagination! Sounds good to me! :)

ok the vagina is a crazy space. If you put your fingers in there when you Nauli (or even look with a mirror as you spread the labia) you will notice you have an open space about the size of a tennis ball- sort of. and every thing is very pulled up and tight.
I can Nauli standing, lying down on my back with my knees up, on my hands and knees, on my elbows and knees, on my side, on my back with my bum lifted in the air- ok that's all I can think of. but anyway.
I can do it and pull air in and then pull more air in and more air in - or I can close off the opening and pull no air in.
When I am home I don't mind the air in deal- but when I am out (like the grocery store) I keep it shut.
When I don't pull air in I can feel the walls kind of sucking together- and pulling up on my perineum.
bla - all that to say do it both ways...why not....

I figured out all the positions too, lol! I really Nauli everywhere, whenever I feel the need to lift those organs.
I don't mind the air then!