Ab Plank for toning abs - is it safe?


Since you're laying down with your pelvic organs resting on your belly, is this okay? http://www.fitnessvancouver.ca/anatomyassets/exercise%20plank.htm It does say to "contract your abdominals" during the exercise...

Hi Metasequoia

I notice that nobody has answered your question. I don't know anything about this device. You have been on Wholewoman for a while now, so you probably have a fair idea of what feels OK, and what doesn't. I think you will just have to judge for yourself whether it feels OK or not. I find that I can now pick up pretty quickly when I am doing something that is 'not OK', from the pressure sensations in my vagina, vulva and pelvic region.

We all have to eventually judge the suitability of any manoeuvre for ourselves, because there isn't really anybody who can tell us whether it will be OK or not, as all our POPs are different from each other, and exercise equipment is not designed with women with POP in mind. This last factor is something that we all have to bear in mind, whatever we do.

The big question you have to ask is whether or not there is a POP-safer way to exercise your abs, and whether it is worth taking the risk on a piece of equipment that might be just the ducks nuts.

I would suggest that you suck it and see. Listen to your body.

