Mayan abdominal massage


Hi, I am very interested in the Mayan abdominal massage to treat my rectocelle/cystocelle condition. Can anyone recommend any criteria by which I can assess the knowledge and skill of the practitioner. How exactly is it performed and how many times? I live in the Bay Area and while I've found some therapists somewhat near, I don't know how to choose between them and ensure I get someone who knows what they are doing. Is anyone experienced with this treatment and do you have any recommendations? Thank you.

Hi Elaine -

I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your post. I e-mailed my Maya Abdominal Massage therapist (she works very closely with Rosita herself, and travels extensively training new practitioners) with your question and this is what she had to say:

"The web site ( has all the practitioners listed. The ones with "yellow" highlighted over their names have completed certification process. All of the practitioners are qualified. Rosita would not let anyone leave Professional training without feeling confident in their techniques. If she has a question about a specific practitioner, feel free to give her my contact info."

Diane's (my therapist) e-mail is: [email protected]

I hope this helps! Diane is wonderful...I would encourage you to write to her with any concerns or specific questions you might have. At my last appt. Diane and I talked about my uterus and how it continues to like to "hang out" way over to the left of my lower abdominal cavity. Her feeling is that if I weren't so dedicated to performing the self-care technique every day, my (grade 2 uterine)prolapse would be much worse. I also have a grade 2 cystocele and gr.2 rectocele...I believe that this technique has played a large part in helping me to regain faith in my body's ability to take care of itself.

All the best,

Thank you, Cathy, for responding. I will put MM in my resource section as soon as I do the overhaul....:-)