When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
February 25, 2005 - 7:39am
RE: pregnant and terrified!
Congradulations Georgina!
I'm very happy for you, and by the way, thank you for all your support over these many months. This is a very small "army" of women, but I have every confidence we are going to win this battle for the future of women's healthcare.
Several of the exercises in the video increase abdominal pressure, while the "anterior vaginal wall lift" sharply decreases it...a situation that might be dangerous during pregnancy.
I would say to certainly continue to use the posture...in the later months the head/neck/shoulders aspect of it will be most applicable, as the rest of your torso will already be well into natural female posture!! :-) Continue to walk, practice gentle stretches, and remain mindful of your seated postures. Rest Rest Rest and eat wonderfully nourishing food.
I know Jane will have lots of great information for you.
Be well, Georgina, and all blessings for the miracle that is human birth.
February 25, 2005 - 7:59am
RE: pregnant and terrified!
thank you, christine!
without all the like minded people on this site sharing their stories and support i would never have considered even getting this far!
best wishes
March 7, 2005 - 9:41am
RE: pregnant and terrified!
Dear Georgina,
March 8, 2005 - 4:21pm
RE: pregnant and terrified!
Oh, Christine, you've not lost me! :) ...just went back to work full-time, working on my masters, and taking care of my babies.
I am pleased to report that I am suffering no symptoms from my organs that are resting a little lower than the days before I was a mom. I am eating relatively well, have no time or energy when I do have time to exercise, but am posturing well, and despite the business of my life, stress is low.
I really think the secret, besides the posture, is attitude. I have chosen not to get worked up by every little thing, not to panic at any sensation, and to flow--as the pelvic organs were designed to flow. It is so important to keep in perspective what is really important--prolapsed or not.
REST is important. LOVING yourself and LOVING you baby is important. EXPECTING needing time to RECOVER from pregnancy and childbirth. NOT EXPECTING to be able to pick up and do as you did before the birth of this child because every child requires a change and an adjustment. And a new normal to your body and the structure of your life will begin to emerge. My precious little one is four months old now.
GET LOTS OF HELP even if you have to go into debt to do it! :) My sitter came even during my maternity leave. While I was home, she played with my older children and helped with things like vacuuming, while I rested with my baby. I literally laid in bed for the week after my baby was born and just enjoyed being with him. It was like a vacation. I also made my husband stay home that first week. I have such fond memories of that first week just laying in bed with him. Unlike when my second child was born and I thought I had to be out of the house within three days and I was dragging (physically, emotionally, mentally, and prolapse wise) and felt miserable. I think I was subscribing to the no pain no gain theory. Like moving around and pressing myself was necessary. I'm so glad I learned from that experience.
Okay, I've said a lot... not sure it's been what is needed, but I am glad that I have been an inspiration. I kept a positive attitude during my pregnacy but I had already made a decision that if my organs fell down to my feet that this baby was worth that physical sacrifice. I think that was what was so shocking after my second birth when I prolapsed because it was such a shock. This time I had already made terms with the possiblity so no matter what happened I'd be able to deal with it.
As far as a c/s or vag birth. For me vag birth was the way to go even though I could have easily scheduled a c/s since I had already had one. I had determined to follow my body this time and the birth was so much easier than my first vag birth. I did what my body instructed me to do and I was not going to allow anyone to dictate otherwise. That was possible because I was in my home and I could call the shots. :)
Blessings to you and your little one!
March 8, 2005 - 6:46pm
RE: pregnant and terrified!
It's so good to hear your wise and calming voice, Jane! WOW! I'm so proud of you for all you're doing, but also hope you do not take on too much...three kids IS a master's degree!! Just check in now and then so we know that you are well...you're sorely missed around here...
March 9, 2005 - 8:21pm
RE: pregnant and terrified!
LOL! I agree--3 kids is a master's degree. I have a lot of help (a wonderful baby sitter who picks up and a sister who is babysitting the baby and bringing him to school at lunch for me to nurse--she's such a blessing!) And ironically, I have more time since going back to teaching full-time. two of my classes are very small classes and both consist of responsible, motivated seniors. I give them an assignment and away they go and so I end up having time to work on my other classes. I do no school work at home now! Yeah! I am trying very hard to keep the rest and sleep thing down, so I'd better get myself to bed. :) Thanks for the kind words. I love encouragement!
March 12, 2005 - 4:33am
RE: pregnant and terrified!
hi there
this might be a silly question, but is there a lying-down position which is best for uterine position? I have very bad morning sickness and am spending most of the day lying down (thank goodness for my mum who's looking after my little one!)
I know that being horizontal rather than vertical is better from a gravitational point of view for prolapse, but for example is lying on your back worse than on your side etc? I just want to do everything i can to keep everything in its place during my pregnancy!
March 12, 2005 - 7:45am
RE: pregnant and terrified!
Hi Georgina,
I wouldn't worry about it, as the work gets done when we're vertical rather than horizontal. Change positions often and listen for what your body needs. Kelly swears by stomach-lying, which you can do post-partum. Just take very good care (morning sickness is a good sign) and focus on growing the happy and healthy soul within you.
Debbie D
March 14, 2005 - 9:22am
RE: pregnant and terrified!
Hi Georgie O,
Congratulation on your pregnancy. Don't be terrified. I found out after my first child I had cystocele. My biggest concern was not being able to conceive again. We did on the first try. I think you are very fortunate to have found this site, the women here give much better advise than the doctors.
My experience was as follows; during the first trimester the prolapse was the worst - I'm not sure if that was due to hormones - my OB didn't know. She also told me that things would keep getting worst as the pregnancy and the weight of the baby would push everything down. I was feeling so depressed at the thought. (It is truly scary what doctors do not know). But in the middle of the second trimester everything was pulled up as the baby grew in my uterus. I had a vaginal birth and my daughter was pretty large 8 lbs 11 oz. I didn't go into the pregnancy with concerns for things getting worst because in my mind after pregnancy I was going to get it all fixed with surgery (my doctor convinced me it was my only option). And that a vaginal birth would be better as not to have scar tissue for the pelvic reconstructive surgery. Although she gave me good advise for the wrong reason in addition to telling me the damage was already done. I'm glad I didn't have a C-section. I've read Jane
April 1, 2005 - 1:31pm
RE: pregnant and terrified!
Hi there everyone
I just thought i would post a quick update on things in case there is anyone interested to read about pregnancy/prolapse issues...I haven't been here in a while as i developed hyperemesis, couldn't keep anything down and ended up in hospital for 3 days being rehydrated intravenously, having lost over a stone in about 3 weeks! I'm now taking some drugs which seem to be controlling things and am taking each day as it comes. But with all that going on i failed to notice until yesterday that my uterine prolapse has got quite a lot worse. My cervix is only about 2cm inside me now and when i felt it i really really freaked out as it was my absolute worst fear about another pregnancy. i am so disappointed that this has happened despite all the energy i have devoted into my pelvic health and adopting the healing posture and christine's program....wondering why this has happened if posture can prevent it? i wonder if all the increased abdominal pressure from constant vomiting, combined with being constipated, could have contributed? i just want to understand why this has happened, i guess. But i am trying not to panic....
Anyway i have seen my gynecologist who told me that it's likely that things will improve once the uterus moves up out of the pelvis, and that, after the birth would likely return to their previous positions. Still very distressing but i hope not a permanent situation. I keep reminding myself of a line in Christine's book which says somthing like "it helps to remember that a cervix prolapsed to the introitus is only a few centimeters lower than normal" . It's just a question of geography! And I am trying to focus on the good that will come of it all when i have another lovely baby at the end of it.
As for the birth, i am almost definitely going to opt for an elective cesarian. I know, Christine, that you hold the view that it is entirely possible to have a natural vaginal delivery with minimal if any exacerbation of existing prolapses. Jane's (fullofgrace) experience is a fantastic example of that. However i think to be able to do that you have to have the absolute conviction that that scenario is possible FOR YOU and i don't have that confidence in myself. Whether i am correct or not to believe that about myself i dont know but i do know that without confidence in my ability before i even start labour, i am likely to end up in a similar situation to my first birth experience, which would be disastrous!
So. Sorry to rant on - i don't feel i have to justify my decision because i know this is such a supportive environment and no one is going to condemn anyone for any decision they make. I suppose the point i wanted to make is that there is no absolute right or wrong, only a right or wrong choice for oneself at a paricular point in time. Am i just stating the obvious? Sorry!
Anyway. That is my plan and how things are with me at the moment. Best wishes to everyone, especially any moms-to-be reading this!
georgina x
April 1, 2005 - 4:00pm
RE: pregnant and terrified!
Georgina, I just care that you make the best decision for you and that you recover as quickly as possible so that you can enjoy your young family. I hope you
April 2, 2005 - 9:24am
RE: pregnant and terrified!
Thanks for reporting back! I never get tired of hearing from pregnant women and their upcoming births of the their hild!! I loved being pregnant:)--maybe that's why I have five :)