Please read!


Hi, I'm new to this forum...have been learning a lot (unfortunately) over the past few days. I started by looking for info on partially obstructed intestines, after feeling a lump in the back of my vagina, after a week-long bout of diarrhea. In the second week, I've only been able to pass a small amount of material at a time, no normal bowel movements. I've tried strong laxatives and stool softeners, and fasting, oxygen supplement for a few days. (Supposed to help clear blockages.) At day 15 today. I now suspect enterocele is resulting in a blockage.

I'm 36, (on birthday tomorrow) and have two herniated disks in my back, bouts with coughing, bronchitis. In the past, I've "moved things along" by pushing on my vaginal wall, whatever is stuck up there at the moment is hard as stone, won't budge. Still able to pass around, so I'm not completely obstructed.

After reading this forum, and other info on the internet about surgical complications, I'm afraid the doctor may recommend immediate surgery when I see him tomorrow, given the partial blockage. I don't want to go under the knife. Does anyone have any suggestions on clearing the blockage? I'm not sure if it's the large or small intestine pushing in. Please help!

Welcome Den,


Thanks for the reply! I saw a G.I. doc, who didn't see an immediate problem, thought my g.i. symptoms were likely due to a virus. He "doesn't do vaginal exams" and suggested I visit the gynocologist for a diagnosis on the lumping in my vagina. I called the gynocologist's office. After explaining symptoms, they gave me an appointment in a few weeks, telling me to call if symptoms get worse. (still having regular bowel movements.)

They also told me symptoms were consistant with prolapse. Haven't been to this office before, they sounded very understanding. Female doctors, thank God! However, I won't have an official diagnosis for at least a few more weeks. I feel a lump midway in the upper front wall of my vagina. (Could this be uterine prolapse? does that feel like a firm mass?) I have mild urinary stress incontinence. I also don't know if I'm dealing with enterocele or not, am assuming rectocele.

I'm doing a digestive system cleanse. I also want to start exercises now, here are a few questions for you all:

1. anyone else have this experience due to back injury? none of those doctors warned about this possibility or examined me for this. the literature on prolapse states this is frequently a cause. (I'm thin, no children yet, other than back injury, in good health.)

2. I'm new to Palm Beach County, FL. Does anyone know any good doctors in the area? Are there any local, national or world renowned specialists? what tests need to be done to insure proper diagnosis?

3. If I start with the book and video, and I do have enterocele, can I make things worse than they already are, by tightening muscle tissue that the intestine has slipped past? Or is my understanding of the anatomy wrong? are some approaches safer than others?

4. Any opinions on the best kegel equipment?

There's so little information out there about this! Thanks in advance for your thoughts, I want to do something between now and the next doctor's visit!

You might go to to find a specialist in your area. Although we have discussions that generalize about prolapse, it's difficult to try to guess at what your particular symptoms might mean. The exercises in the video are for otherwise healthy women and I would not recommend them for someone with a history of back injury.