Questions for Davi


Since you do not have your email contact available I am using the public forum to ask you a few personal questions.

Davi. I wonder if you would be willing to examine your interest in Wholewoman? I have recently looked into your old posts and have not found anything indicating you enjoy visiting the site, you are not interested in practicing the wholewoman techniques and in fact in just a few short weeks you have decided that they don't even work.
If all this is all indeed true (and my perception may be off- please correct me if I am wrong) then why in the world are you still here? Look it isn't that you are not welcome here. Of course if you have any questions or successes or failures to share we would love to hear from you.
It seems like you basically hang out here and stir the pot. It is strange. Is there some value for you in visiting wholewoman? Is it helping you in some way? I would love to know that this is the case and that it isn't that you have some strange desire to make trouble here.

feel free to reply directly to me if you like.