
Hello everybody,
I have only just found this web site and from reading some of these messages it seems just in the nick of time. I haven't ordered the book or video yet but certainly will as I am very interested in using diet and excercise instead of medical intervention where possible.
I am 44 years old and have been aware of my cervix decending for about 3 years. I have been inclined to leak slightly when coughing or sneezing for alot longer but put it down to 'a woman's lot' and stocked up on panty-liners!
My first child (12 now) was delivered using wrigglys forceps due to passing merconium after a long gas & air tempered labour, with the inevitable episiotomy. My second child was delivered in a water birthing pool with no other pain relief. However he was big, 11 pounds and 12 ounces to be presise and I had second degree tears which I believe occured when his shoulders were pushed out too fast. These necessitated some fancy stitching.
Anyway about 9 months ago I really started to worry about the position of my cervix (only 1 inch inside my body) and went back to my GP to say I didn't think I could make enough of a difference just using pelvic floor excercises. She refered me to the local hospital, I met the Specialist who really scared me by just the mension of the 'H' word and sent me for urology tests. After these I was so relieved when he said a hysterectomy wasn't necessary (yet) that I don't think I really took in all the advise about gyn-tape and TVT, pros and cons. Anyway so I'm on the waiting list for a TVT which being UK = 6 months which is nearly up. The stupid thing is this TVT is to hoist up my urethra/bladder which is pushing into the vagina and straighten it up which might actually make my slight incontinence worse by getting rid of the U-bend effect. Also he may or may not do something about the cervix/uterus depending on what he finds when operating. (Also I have a slight rectocele and I don't actually have any particular pain associated with any of the aspects.)
So apologies for such a long post and I would be very grateful if anyone has any experience of the TVT or any advise. I am seriously considering cancelling this surgery but I feel bad waiting so near to the time it's due!
Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity to pour my heart out anonomously.

Hi Caz, and welcome to Whole Woman,


Thank you Christine, for your response and the website reference which I did find useful. It lead me to some graphic photos of cystecele etc which help to put my situation into perspective!
There seems to be a lot of information about in favour of the TVT and I keep coming up against that 'Gold-standard' expression but I have decided that there is no need to rush into this procedure and that I will give myself some more time working on my pelvic floor this time with the help of your posture exercises.
Thank you for your book which I am enjoying hugely.
Best Regards Caz

Dear Caz,

The TVT can have horrible complications. I find it amusing that Dr. Murphy can tell a 30-year old,

" My goodness, someone is planning to stick two big honking needles through your body and place synthetic material in you that will stay in you for the rest of your life and you are worried of him/her feeling insulted if you opt out..."

and yet this is somehow okay and even recommended for a 40-year old.

I have faith you can improve your condition on your own Caz...
