Christine's book and exercises


I am new to the forum and see much mention of Christine's book and exercise video. Can you tell me about them? How and where to get them?

Welcome HeyJude,

Click on the picture of the video on the home page and that will take you to the order form. The book is a revelation about radical pelvic surgery and contains some beginning ideas for working with prolapse naturally. The video/DVD teach the stabilizing posture and exercises.


I must be stupid, but I can't get to the homepage. I can to back to Conferences, but that's it. Help

Christine, I just got smart and found the homepage. Pelvic floor Prolapse must be affecting my head. LOL

Hi...I'm new here, and I would LOVE to get the book, but I can't find mention of the title OR Christine's last name. I can't get to the homepage either to get this information!!! Can someone help me?!?



Welcome to Whole Woman, Evalyn,

I'm not sure how you two got to the forum without going through the homepage ( Perhaps there is a link here from one of my publisher's sales letters, I don't know. Anyway, just go to the above address and it will take you to the proper page with lots of info for you.


Hello Christine!!!

I found this forum page when I googled 'tipped prolapsed uterus'!!

Now I know how to get to the homepage of this wonderful site.

Thank you so much for being here :).


Ah-ha!....fabulous. ;-)

Hello, This is new for me, and I need to learn how to implement the posture, etc. What is the most economical way to get going: the book, videos, ?? It all seems a little overwhelming, and my income is very low. (I've tried searching "getting started", etc., to no avail.

Hi Blue_Sky,
You can start with the fundamentals videos at a reasonable price, and then move up when you are ready.