how often is the index made?


(Don't know what category to use for this post) I have been wondering while trying to search the posts using the 'search' box how often are the posts indexed? If I try to search using words from a recent post (2-3 months) I won't find it. I need to search the posts by forum category and try to remember the subject, which takes much longer. Could this be done more frequently? Other tricks to find in recent posts? I was looking for Christine's post on prolapse and inflammation and some update on anti-inflammatory diet... Thanks

hi ladybug,

thanks for your cogent question. the system is set to index every hour (100 items). that's the good news. the bad news is that we put the server behind a fire wall a year or two ago but the wholewoman DNS resolves to the public IP address so the command to run the cron job that will do the indexing every hour has not been able to reach itself behind the firewall. i've got the techs working on fixing that problem. there are 2739 items that need indexing at the moment. assuming the system can absorb indexing 100 items without PHP timing out, it will take a day and a bit to get fully indexed. then hopefully, you'll have a functioning search capability.

hope this wasn't too technical, but i figured if you know that indexing and search are related, you'd probably understand what i'm talking about. thanks for calling this to our attention.


lanny (DH & webperson)

Good news Lanny.

Ladybug, it has been pretty frustrating for a while. In the meantime you can use Goggle and presumably other search engines by using Advanced search to search keywords within the domain, probably as well.



indexing didn't start as expected...did a bit more research and appear to have solved the problem. site is currently 18% indexed and should be completed in about 12 hours. thanks for your patience!


we're up to 54% as of now. the system is throttled to index 200 items 1 minute after every hour. it will take a bit longer to be fully indexed but from there the index will be updated hourly so the search function should work well. fingers crossed!


Thanks a lot Lanny for taking care of this so promptly and Louise for suggesting Google within this domain (did not think of doing that). I am looking forward to search the older posts more easily! It is not rush, it can wait a few more hours/days...

hi ladies,

at the moment, search is 98% complete. in an hour or so it will be complete and will update hourly after that so the search function should work well from here on out. sorry it took so long to address this issue. thanks for calling attention to it ladybug. louise has raised the flag on this before, but my apologies louise, i just never got my arms around it. another step forward for whole woman!

love to all,

lanny (DH of christine, web person and all around mr. fixit)

Thanks Lanny (((Hugs)))

There will be party crackers going off all over the planet!

It will be so much easier for newbies to trawl the Forums to find out what they can before asking further questions. I am sure that it will mean that they will be able to get their heads around the basics more quickly, then move on to finetuning their bodies.



wow! I remember when it used to work this way.....I kinda got used to it being really challenging to find anything :)

Thank you SO much for helping to fix our SEARCH function! Thank you, Louise, for realizing it was broken in the first place. And thank you, dear Lanny, for being the best husband on the planet!! (Sorry, ladies, but it is true!!!)

:) Christine

Thanks Lanny! Now I (and others of course ;-) can enjoy complete search throughout this great WW forum!

a pleasure ladies, [lanny bows]...



Lanny Goodman (DH)
Hi All,

I don't think I've ever posted a picture of my beautiful husband and Major supporter of Whole Woman. Meet my lovely man, Mr. Alan C. (Lanny) Goodman.

Thank you, my darling, for all you do and have done for us through the years.

With love,


I had the pleasure of speaking with you about a month ago via phone. You know how we sometimes wonder or visualize what the people look like with whom we speak but never see? Well, I have to admit my heart actually jumped when your picture unfolded here because you look pretty much how I pictured you in my mind as we were talking - strange! I've never had that happen before. At any rate, it's a pleasure to meet you. And thanks for all your help.

Grandma Joy

This thread is making me smile so much! thank you Lanny for your amazingness and being Mr. Fixit!
And i'm loving reading such true love and appreciation between two beautiful! (a reminder to go give my own Mr. Fixit a big kiss! Though not that i need much pushing, but hey, can never have too many kisses...)

Dear Christine,

You are very fortunate to have such a supportive and loving husband such as Lanny.

And, Lanny is also very fortunate to have such a wonderful wife as you, Christine.

Many thanks to you Lanny, for all that you have done in support of all those who have come to take part and share on the Whole Woman Forum and more.

May you both share a long and happy life together :)

Always grateful,
