How do you know when you've overdone it?


Hello! I am now a little over 4 months pp and feeling pretty darn good. In fact, the only thing that isn't back to normal in my life is my exercise routine. I do plenty of walking, but have been itching to get back into running (but have been so scared to try it!). Well, yesterday I jogged my first postpartum mile!!! It felt SO good, even though I was going painfully slow. I did a nice long warm-up and cool-down, about 30 minutes total on the treadmill.

My question is--how do you know when you have overdone it physically? I didn't feel any pressure, experienced no leakage, and felt about the same as I do after an elliptical workout. I am a bit paranoid, however, that the bulge feels a little saggier. It is really hard to tell and is so tied to my mental state that it's hard to be objective. So how does it work for all of you? How do you know that you need to slow down?

It seems like running is one of those things that no one can really say whether or not it makes things worse. I am trying to listen to my body, but I guess I don't really know what I'm listening for!


so glad you are doing so well! great great news!!!

my body speaks really clearly--i go on symptoms. so if i lift something i shouldn't, i feel my bulge--usually my rectocele, pressing down. may be only a tiny bit, but a warning for me to stop what i'm doing. and it's just that heavy bulgy feeling...
i would say just keep listening to your body, and at first give a few days in between to see how you feel as you well. personally, i think it'll be clear....

so happy to hear that youre feeling well

I also think a few days between runs is a good start, so that you can see if anything is *really* more saggy or if its paranoia (which I can totally relate to btw)

If your running is too much, I think your body will let you know loudly enough for you to hear. not that I think that should scare you off, worst case scenario things are bulgier or you feel more pressure or whatever so you back off for a bit, until its back to whats normal for you and try again.