cystocele and rectocele


I'm 32 yrs old and just had my first child on Sept.12, 2009. I was just diagnosed with a cystocele and a small rectocele. My gyn told me to not let anyone talk me into having surgery and set me up with a PT. He says it will get better, but right now it is hard to imagine. I feel so sad and I can't believe that this happened. It has been hard for me to enjoy this time with my little girl. It is hard for me stand for long periods of time. I'm just looking for a few words of encouragement to help me get through this hard time. It helps to read about all the success stories.

I'm sure many others will chime in here, but it will get better. You have come to the right place. Many of us, including myself are in the pp healing stages and are slowly getting better. You are very early pp right now, so you have tonnes of healing time. You're gynae is right, don't let anyone talk you into surgery. It is not a fix at all, and especially not for someone with so much natural healing in the year (or two or three) ahead. For now try to rest, learn about and try to walk in wholewoman posture, don't let yourself get constipated, read all the positive stories in the pregnancy forum, and if you can, get the book and/or DVD. You'll find lots of tips, advice, and support here. It may seem slow, but it really will get better.

Keep asking questions, and keep us updated on your progress. Recent success stories to keep you positive are under these users: Clavicula, Karolka, Bad_mirror, Granolamom, kiki, Alemama, and I know I'm missing some, but there are many more.

I know it's hard not to think about your vagina right now, but try to enjoy your baby and snuggle with him or her. I think the biggest regret from many of the pp moms is not enjoying their babies because all they think about is prolapse. They are only this small once!

Take care,

Thank you so much Janice. I'm going to get the DVD asap. Does it explain the correct posture in this DVD? It is so nice to be able to talk to people who understand what you are going through.

Thanks again,

The posture is clearly explained in the DVD. There is an educational portion at the beginning with illustrations/explanations of prolapse, lifestyle tips etc., followed by the exercise program. With a newborn and everything else, the DVD is probably a wise choice. I read the book when I was pregnant, but I certainly wouldn't have had the time to do that in the postpartum phase.

Good luck and keep coming here for support.
