A better day


Dear Whole Women:

Today has been a much better day for me than I have had lately. I can barely feel the prolapse. Urine streams have been strong--like "normal" pre-prolapse experiences. I'm using firebreathing, posture, some dietary changes, and pelvic floor therapy. It may be starting to work, or at any rate, I'm just having a good day. I hope there are more to come.

My postings of late have expressed some of the frustration I've felt. Where else to do so but here, unless I want to keep my husband all anxious on my behalf? I spill my guts (and tears) to him sometimes, but he has enough to worry about. Thanks again to all of you for your support and help.

I fully realize the up and down nature of this. It may be too early to tell whether dawn is breaking or the sun is just peeking out from behind a cloud, but I am thankful for it.


This is such great news, Saddleup. My deep belief is that we are far more alike than different and that so much can be resolved with patience and trust in our original design. I know there’s a nursery rhyme to this affect - something like:

If there's a problem, try to right it.
If it can’t be solved,
Never mind it.

I am very happy for you!


Hi Saddleup

Hope your good days are continuing. All of us have the tools. Sometimes doing the best we can with the tools, then getting on with our lives, is the best path. I periodically look back at how I was and think about how much better my body is behaving now. The changes can be almost imperceptible on a day to day basis, and the setbacks certainly let me know out loud, and straight away. It is only several years later that I can see how far I have come.

I figure that what this woman wants is to be free of the fear of my uterus, bladder and rectum coming out of my vagina and staying out, the discomfort and chafing, the pain and discomfort. I also want my life back and to feel that I can manage my own body without somebody else doing things to it that are out of my control. It is a head thing.

I have all this, most of the time, even though my organs are still prolapsed. I feel so thankful to Christine for this, and to everyone else who walks this road with me.


Well, so far, my good day has not continued. I cannot figure out how everything felt so normal a few days ago and then went back to being so obnoxious. The one better day gave me hope that my condition might be changing for the better. I still hang on to that hope and will continue working for it, but the emotional up and down is getting to me.

What has been the experience of any other post-menopausal women whose cystoceles have actually improved? I am quite anxious to know. Thanks.
