Workout Exercises Where Ever You May Be!


Hi all,

As I have been doing Christine's workout exercises first thing in the morning, for quite some time now, I am getting quite addicted, so much so, that regardless of where I am, be it inside doing the dishes, or ironing a shirt, or waiting for something to come to a boil as in a herbal tea, or porridge and so on, I am doing workout exercises while I wait!

Outside, I am lucky that I live within a natural world, not far from the waters, whereby I take daily walks with my feline and canine pals. Just recently I find myself doing the 'one two threes' plus more, on the beach and it's an absolute hoot!

Bottom line, I don't give a darn if anyone on the shoreline sees me, and in fact, I know that the birds are probably highly entertained ... as well as my feline and canine pals.

Try it, it's fun!


Hi Oceanblue

I have been known to do plies and releves in the supermarket queue, neck and shoulder stretches during boring lectures etc. Bellydance travelling steps up the driveway to the letterbox, shimmies at the sink. I become just another interesting thing happening in people's landscapes.


Happy to know that you also feel comfortable enough to do plies and releves, and how about half moons and so on as the need presents itself!

Yes, oh joy!

Thank you Christine!


i love the image of you on the beach with all the birds watching--or joining in ;-)