Questions about my cyctocele & rectocele after first ba



I am 35 years old and after the birth of my first child I was diagnosed with rectocele and cyctocele. I do not have any pain from either of them thankfully, but have a certain amount of discomfort from time to time. Is this a condition that can worsen over time? I am still breast feeding my 7 month old baby, can the condition improve after I stop breast feeding, does the breast feeding (from the hormones) make it worse? I was in labour for 35 hours with epidural, and pushed for 2.5 hours , my baby was eventually suction and forcep delivered. Could all the pushing and intervention have been a cause of this condition?

I am convinced that being pregnant and having natural child birth is a cause of all this. That being said I thought it worth a mention that in my work as a ceramic artist I am forced to sit many hours hunched over my work to do my painting, I have been doing this work for 8 years and I sit on average 4-6 hours a day. Could this also have been a contributing factor.

I truly believe in the natural approach to health and do not want to have surgery if I can avoid it. Can I expect this condition to improve and if so by how much, if I follow your program.

I have one more question, will doing yogic inversion postures on a daily basis be of any benefit?

Many thanks in anticipation,


Welcome Sandra,

I cannot tell you exactly what to expect with this work, as it