curvature of the spine


Hi Christine

I have had polio as a child and I have a pronounced curve in my spine and also my right foot sticks out to 45 degree angle. How do I do the WW posture correctly? I also have one shoulder much more higher than the other due to the spine problem.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Hello C.W. and welcome!

As you can imagine, this changes things considerably. The postural work is built around the natural shape of the female spine, and great variations from that will always be another sort of challenge. I think it will be important for you to learn about the true positioning of your organs so you can visualize what should be where. Over time, perhaps you will be able to develop the best posture/exercise possible for your own condition.

Most importantly, the organs are located at the front of the body and the pelvic outlet at the back. Gynecology has this simple reality rotated 90 degrees so that in their conceptual framework the organs are perched above a soft-tissue pelvic “floor” with a hole in the middle.

I received an email a couple of days ago from an ecstatic woman who sensed she had immediately stabilized her uterine prolapse with her first moment of WW posture. I chuckled because on the one hand, she is right. As soon as all of us relax our lower belly and push our organs forward with our posture every case of prolapse is instantly stabilized. How can the organs fall back when they are being held to the front? However, pelvic fascia has to help secure them there as we move about, and this highly evolved substance is very difficult to re-model. That is the work all of us are doing with firebreathing, nauli, posture, exercise and nutrition.

There are other aids as well - pessaries, tampons, and sea sponges. You might even find slightly moistened organic cotton balls helpful.

If the surgeries had anything positive to recommend them I would certainly do so. They are all highly faulty because they alter the one thing that is most important to pelvic organ support - the shape and axis of the vagina.

Wishing you well!


Please can you tell me what are sea sponges and how are they used? You mentioned organic cotton balls. You must have to use 100 of them, if they are the size that I've seen in removing cosmestics, obiously they must be bigger LOL. I had a pessary and the darn thing kept popping it out. Also when I sat, I could feel it and it was extremely uncomfortable. Being that I live in Canada, I don't know if I could find any of these suggestions that you've made. One thing I do is sit on a large exercise ball when I'm on the computer and I find that very comfortable to sit, rather than an chair.

Thanks so very much for answering my question, I have another one, What does drinking apple cider vinegar do for you? I drank some today and I enjoy the taste very much as I've always loved the taste of vinegar. Is it supposed to help stop the gas that forms from the pressure of your stomach. I wake up every morning with gas pains that are very painful.


Hopefully some of the others will chime in here, C.W., as this is a subject requiring more time than I can spare at the moment. Yes, the organic cotton balls I find at my health food store are larger than average. The sea sponge you can read about at It is inserted like a tampon. Some women can wear them successfully and others find them scratchy and uncomfortable. :) Christine

I'm still waiting to hear why applecider vinegar is good to drink. What does it do?

Does it releave the gas that is always there, due to the stomach pressure.

Can anyone on this forum answer this question please?



Hi C.W.

There are many uses for apple cider vinegar.

The best way to find out its many uses is to google it

Welcome to the forum. I am from Canada too.


Hi Flora

Thank you very much for at least answering my question. I did google it and found many answers like you said there would be.

Where are you in Canada?


oh, i hadn't heard of that before! will ahve to try that...i still worry about cleaning the sponge, and tampons can get a bit irritating. love that idea! so soft...

Hi C.W.

I live in B.C. about 20 miles from Vancouver.

I find google very handy for getting information.


Hello again

Have you purchased the whole woman package? I'd be interested to know what you think of the dvd.

Thanks for getting back to me
