Prolapse at 3 days pp


What would your advice be for the immediate future, wise ones...
Obviously the WW posture is first and foremost the most important tool, but what else would you suggest for her, taking into consideration that she is only 3 days post birth (homebirth with self-directed pushing).
Thank you

Hopefully one of the mamas who has birthed after knowing about POP will respond, but I can suggest a few things too . . .

1. Read posts by alemama concerning her most recent birth and her valid theories regarding pp healing. Also Christine's daughter Nikelle has a birth story on the homepage which may be helpful.

2. I believe the prevalent advice is to be gentle but reinstate lumbar curve with sitting and easy, easy walking in a week or so. Don't lift more than the baby. Nurse side-laying. Get help with meals and laundry. Get some elbow and knee time in. Eat really well. Get the WW DVD to feel informed, in control, and ready to add exercises when the time comes.

3. For heaven's sake, don't look! Know that in one year's time things will be remarkably different. (BTW, what exactly is prolapsed in this case?) 3 days pp is NO indication of what will be. Neither is 3-4 months pp for that matter. In my informal survey of pp women on this forum, just about every one of them improves by 2 or more grades in about 2 years.

Best wishes.

Gee, a search for alemama brings up a fair few of posts! Might need to hone my search skills to find some relevant info.
I am not sure what is prolapsing...merely going off a phone call of one of her support people who called me for advice, and no one seems to know what is what. Is there anything different to do if it is uterus vs bladder? I already mentioned the posture and avoiding reclining as much as possible (oh the torture after not being comfy on her back for so many months!) It sounds like a a fairly serious prolapse, whatever has fallen has come out her vagina, so it just makes me think about how to best use this crucial time of the moment of prolapse. It can be replaced but has reappeared at least once. I have learned from you all that this is fairly common and that prolapse is a very fluid process and each day brings a different place on the continuum. Having said that, is there is anything we can do while time is of the essence or is it really is such a long term aspect of after birth physiology that nothing in the here and now would make much of a difference (assuming that there is already proper diet, bowel and bladder habits, attention to posture, and the basics that are mentioned throughout these forums).

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Hi Aza,

Good advice from badmirror. I also echo, it is too early to worry. If it is out of her vagina, and she is very uncomfortable, I would recommend the V2 supporter. It really helps with that "falling out" feeling. It is like a "crotch brace". It is not pretty, but does help. This will help her feel better while trying to get into ww posture. Read posts by Phoebe91 who just had her second baby in September. She reported things were way out ie. grade 3-4, and then at 7 weeks reported bladder was grade 2, uterus grade 1.....I wore the V2 during my second pregnancy and for 3 months pp.

Hope that helps,

if she wants extra support, send her here ;-)
when she's 6 weeks / bleeding stops, firebreathing, nauli... think crucial is to know this is common (women don't talk about it!), but things will change so much...