Birth control pills and rectocele


Hello, I'm new to the forum and have developed a rectocele after a D and C proceedure in July, I feel like my life has not been the same since that fateful in July.I have so many ?s, there is so much info on the WWW its hard to sort it out. I have seen a Dr who is a Urogyno. and he recommends I take BC pills which I have been on due to bad fibroids, hence the D and C,I do not want a hysto. He thinks the Estrogen in the pills will help. I can't find any info to support this. This is my first question for the forum. Has anybody heard of this type of therapy?

Thanks A bunch !


I really haven't heard of anyone taking estrogen in pill form to help with any type of prolapse. some here have experience with topical estrogen for prolapse, but I dont' know how effective it really is. as far as I know, all estrogen can do down there is help with dryness and plump up tissues. I dont' know if estrogen can put a prolapsing rectum back where it belongs and keep it there.

and welcome to the forum! I'd say start by going to the home page and reading the faqs. there *is* a lot of information here, and it can get overwhelming. ask as many questions as you like, that's probably one of the best ways to learn.
and not that you asked, but I can't seem to stop myself from giving out unsolicited advice, the number one thing to do to help your rectocele is to avoid constipation and not to strain on the toilet.

Thanks for the reply. It seems like my life revolves arounds my bowels now and constipation.OMG its all I think of. I must be going nuts Im only 44 and very active, who would have thought this would have happened to me, I have been blessed 2 beautiful kids the last one 9.5lbs (vaginal delivery) I blame her she started the ball rolling LOL. My Dr. says its more of a lifestlye change. Of course he's male. I am soooo glad I found WW I enjoy the candor and openness of the forum. If we can't help each other, who can we help? I have already gotten much help from the forum Thanks for being there sisters.


I'm new to this forum as well. I was also told by my OB that taking the pill and / or using topical estrogen could be helpful (but I think really more in just helping health of the tissue, not really improving the prolapse itself).

I am on the pill for 4 months now. I do not believe that my second degree rectocele, third degree cystocele or third degree uterine prolapse have changed. However, I was saggy at the opening of the vagina (I believe the technical term is gaping at the introuis) and this has definitely improved. For what it's worth....