Monday's Exam


Hi everyone! Its been hard to get the computer away from college kids but so far they've not been in the room. Monday I go in for my yearly pap and am so afraid he is going to get on my butt for not scheduling my hysterectomy. Frankly, I bought a few of the fembraces and found I could get along just fine. I feel since this isnt a terminal thing,( I have it all...bladder,uterus, and rectum) I would like to keep the parts God gave me. Why is it so hard for Doctors to have a patient who disagrees? Anyway...just thought I'd get in touch since I havent written in a while. I get on quick to read the posts and get right off again. My main question is how do you get a video? I think I do the exercises wrong cause nothing is helping. Anyway my best to everyone and keep up the good work.

Hi Jacquie,


Thanks Christine, Sometimes it helps to talk to someone whos been there. You can talk til your blue in the face to someone who doesnt know whats going on and you come away feeling so alone. Some of my friends think I am so off base by not getting the surgery. They think I dont trust my gyno. Thats just not true. Its just not his body parts that go out with the trash! This website has made me think about what I feel I should do, not what they feel I should do. My goal tomorrow is to get out of there with the cooperation of my Dr. If and when this gets to be too much for me to handle then I'll do it his way, maybe!! Anyway, these yearly tests get me so nervous that I'm a basket case til its over. Then to have to add this confrontation....