

Can someone please explain how to do nauli properly? I've got the DVD and have read old posts on here, but I'm definitely not getting it. I'm not getting any kind of 'lift' feeling, and having got down on all fours in the bathroom with a hand mirror (try explaining that!) I couldn't see anything going on at all. I feel like I'm just pushing my tummy in and out abit. Also, firebreathing... how deep/shallow do you need to breathe, and how quick should the in/out be?

Hi Cararosesmum

Check out 'nauli' on Youtube. There are lots of videos with instructions.


both took me a long time to figure out. I just kept doing it until one day my body kinda figured it out. not helpful, I know. re firebreathing, I inhale as deeply as I can, at a pace that feels comfortable (ie not slow, not fast). I exhale as forcefully as I can until I can't any more. also, at a comfortable pace.
re nauli, I found it easiest to nauli right after a firebreathing cycle, so after exhaling completely, still in firebreathing position, I inhale without actually inhaling any air (if that makes any sense). I started just getting the 'suck it in' down and then progressed to moving my abs around. I still can't do it standing upright, but its working for me just fine the way I'm doing it. and just a fun thing to do when you're bored, insert a tampon and then nauli. you might feel it getting pulled up. (I really do need to get out more)

this webpage is what helped me figure out nauli -- also consult youtube

The lift is very dramatic . . .PFFFTTT! . . . like a balloon deflating and everything sucks up and disappears. At first, it all comes right back down again, but in a month or so, it starts to stay up. You'll get it!

I tend to sometimes get air in my vagina when doing nauli . Does this mean it is/isn't working?! Thanks!

I think it is not a problem. I can let lots of air in, and if I let the air flow out slowly, I'd feel my bladder and cervix stay in their proper place.
If you contract your perineal muscles along with Nauli, no air would go in (after some practice of course), and that's okay too.

Baffling. Hopefully it'll come with time. Thank you all for your patience as we newbies learn.

Well those videos will blow your mind but shows and explains a lot!!!I don't know how they can do a lot of those moves but gotta start at the beginning. Anyone having trouble understanding, just check it out or/and on U Tube.LOL Oh My if you see the same ones I saw. You may never be the same in a good way.LOL Tomorrow will begin the task.

Gee, took a look, how can they roll back and forth with the muscles and not breathing. I will let you know tomorrow if I am alive and well and can make it to the computer afterwards.LOL

OK I am watching the tape for the 30th time!! OK have firebreathing down well, good at pelvic rocks and nauli except nauli in the video with the firebreathing. I am getting it all slowly. Here goes can you explain, now come on, almost last question about Nauli.LOL On the DVD it says to nauli holding the stomach vaccum(spelling) OK I understand breathing out produces the vac. Then it says to nauli counterclockwise. You have to drop your stomach down to do this so how do you hold the vac. I would think you would have to be breathing in to release the vac when stomach is dropped. Very confusing. All other breathing excercises are done out and in. So is the whole nauli on the dvd along with the firebreathing to be done completely holding the outbreath with the vaccum? Is anyone understanding? LOL Come on now, expecting some help here gals.LOL

Talk to ya later, going to LLBean

Yes, something has to fill that vacuum, but not necessarily with air. This is when we hope and pray and bargain for it to be our......... prolapsed organs!

Can any of you suck in like those people and roll the ab muscles back and forth and all that stuff. Please don't tell me you can all do that! If you can I may as well quit now.LOL Please let me know

And it works great. Keep trying!!

I cannot see my stomach moving, as I have loose skin hanging down when I bend over. However, I can feel my stomach and the muscles involved undulating like a very slow wave action.

took me a long time, but I can do it! can only do it standing in a firebreathing position, not standing upright like I've seen on youtube (I think that's what I saw). but can def. get the rolls/waves going. it is sooo cool and so fun.
don't quit now! for the longest time all I was able to do was get a tiny little vacuum thing going without any movement at all. keep at it and you'll get there

Now look, how in the world do you get those waves moving. I was told by someone it can take years to do and you ladies are doing it already. Too much fat on my belly maybe. Are you really doing it like on you tub and how long did it take you to learn? Please I want to do it to.LOL I am feeling left out. I want to roll.LOL

Feeling like a loser

How long did it take you to figure out?

took me a long time. want to say, maybe 7 or 8 months till I got the vacuum thing. another few months until I saw some rolling going on. at first I had to kinda rotate my hip a bit to get a roll on that side. and then I'd rotate the other way.
now I dont' have to move my hips at all, I can do the rolling, doesnt exactly look liek teh guy on the youtube video I saw, but hey, I did carry 5 babies in that belly of mine! so I have lots of extra skin that kinda hangs out and doesn't move along with everything else. but thats ok, because when I stand up, my belly is tight (not flat! but tight). makes me happy : )
and of course, the nauli lifts the POP's too.
oh, also, I find it easiest to nauli before eating anything in the morning.

Hi heavenly, Im still getting to grips with nauli too, especially counterclockwise or any wise haha, sorry, not a laughing matter eh. I am getting some feeling but I feel my mouth is doing the hardwork ie it seems to move as I try , thank goodness no one is watching, is all I can say.
Now here's and interesting thing , of no help to us sorry, but my youngest adult son can nauli easily and has been able to for a long time, except I didn't know before joining this site that that is what it was called. It use to freak me out before.I explained to him last night what I was trying to do, and he showed me, not that Ive quite got it yet but nearly there lol.

Cheers :-)

Well I know what your are saying about the mouth doing most of the work. If anyone could see my facial expressions they would think I was having some kind of "a moment." I twist my body this way and that like the video, pushing on the opposite leg for help but to no avail. Well I can do a good exhalation(spell) and get a good vac but can't get a darn roll. I will keep trying. I am sure I am not the only one still working on that.