Posting a link with simple HTML


To insert a link to a website (particularly if the URL is long and unwieldy) you can use the following code ...

This is a link to a web page:
first this symbol , then name it (something like great article here- or click here), then the symbol ,

Do not forget to include http:// for a web address. Any text that you type after the > bracket and before the will become the "clickable" text displayed on the page.
The URL is always typed between quote marks, so a word of advice here: If you type your message in Word, for posterior copying and pasting, please note that your Word is probably set to change your "straight" quote marks into "smart" quote marks. It's hard to actually notice it while typing, but your link will not work if the URL is typed between smart quote marks. If you do this, after pasting your message on the posting window, don't forget to replace the quote marks in your link.

Louise, is it my browser (Firefox)? I can't see any code, just some dots.

Sometimes you need to put a space in the code somewhere to 'break' it - Otherwise it could become invisible...
(Tho that's usually with image codes etc)


Hi Alix

Geez, you were quick! That was not code, just me trying to get the topic up so that Alemama could write the bit about the code, which I am not a full bottle on. Now Alemama has done her magic you should now be able to read the whole topic and create links of your own.


Hi Sue and other masochists who want to master this code,

I found Alemama's instructions worked ... eventually.

I find it is a hair-tearing-out experience tweaking it to get it right if you are not familiar with code. At first I omitted the URL between quotation marks, then discovered that there were no spaces before and after the 'naming' bit before the last . Perhaps if I tape a little label with the code to the nice wide frame around my monitor I will just learn it by osmosis or something. At least then I can copy it character by character.

If Louise with her fuzzy brain can get her head around it, then anyone can! Thanks Alemama, do you have any hair left?

Be ready everybody. I will be putting lots of links in my posts for a while to embed the practice in my brain.

Riddle: How to you 'embed an object' in your brain? Answer: with a keyboard. Kiddies, don't try this at home!)

That was a bit left field.