Searching our Forums


Use the Search box to search for keywords. Words are matched exactly so watch your spelling, and also try alternative spellings for 'English English' vs 'American English'. Phrases can be surrounded by quotes to do an exact search. Minimum word length three letters.

When you have a Hit List, click on each topic in the list in turn, then use your Browser's 'Find on this page' function with the same keywords. This will highlight the relevant keywords, so you can skim many pages of long topics quickly for highlighted text.

You can also use search engines like Google to search within this or any other domain. Go to the search engine website and click on Advanced Search. Put into the 'site to be searched' field, and the keywords in which ever field they belong.

Hello all - I am in the process of finding and fixing bad old links on the forum. So some oldies might get bumped up to the top for no apparent reason! - Surviving