

Currently the Moderators are Christine Kent (Christine) who owns the site, assisted by Louiseds, Alemama, Granolamom and Kiki (now ably assisted by our new CoMods Aza, Liv and Saddleup). Christine's work is research and other Wholewoman projects, so please contact Louise, Alemama, Granolamom or Kiki (in no particular order), or our new CoMods, if you have questions about the Forums.

The Moderators keep Christine informed if the Forums need her attention. Christine is also available for private telephone consultations via the Whole Woman Store and in person at the Wholewoman Center in Albuquerque (NM).

Hi Members

We now welcome, in alphabetical order, Aza, Liv and Saddleup to the Moderators' team at Wholewoman. Thankyou Aza, Liv and Saddleup for making yourselves available to be part of the Wholewoman team, and to help Christine, Alemama, Granolamom and Louiseds to keep a maternal eye on the Forum conversations, and to help Lanny to keep the software grinding away happily.

('POPs' virtual bottle of very good bubbly!)

Here's to a long and healthy life for!

Savour those chilled, velvety bubbles!

Christine & Co-Mods