Lightest, most efficient for both floor and carpet Vacuum


Dear all, that may happen to use a vacuum,

I am vacuumed out, in that I know quite a bit about vacuum cleaners, but still don't know what is the best choice, especially when one has pop and need ergonomic handles for one's hands.

I like the one in Christine's dvd, and that is a canister, not sure of the make though.

Miele is well made, but too heavy. It has a great Heppa filter, so that what you suck in, stays in, and does not get blown out. I learned today that they are soon to release a more compact Miele.
Thank you,

I have a Kirby that is self propelled. Really easy to push, although it is very heavy. I got it for 200.00 on E bay. Really quality product, and lasts for years. I push it by my side, (as shown in Christine's video), while employing proper posture. Really works for me!

Electrolux EL6988E Oxygen 99.97% HEPA Canister Vacuum
back when I cleaned houses in college this type of vacuum was really nice
not great for stairs
but not heavy at all to push since the bag and motor are on the floor and you just set that part close to you and then do an area- then drag it along behind you to the next area

Now I have the oreck- and while it is self propelled - the 8lbs claim only applies to an empty bag- once you have been filling the bag for a while it gets really heavy

good news for me- my kids love to vacuum
and if they don't do it, I farm the job out to their dad

Many thanks to Alemama and Tobia48 plus all others that shared their vacuum cleaning experiences!
Well, I found a cannister vacuum cleaner that I thought would meet all of my needs, plus more.
It's called the Electrolux EL6984A, Ultrasilencer Green vacuum cleaner , super quiet, efficient, and compact. Bonus is, is that it truly is a "green" machine.
Update: Best for me, is to be carpet free, as this vacuum is best used on floors. However, one may purchase an attachment that would improve vacuuming carpets :)

I am a total fan of the Roomba (robotic vacuum cleaner). I spend my time at the computer while it tootles around by itself, vacuuming. The only maintenance it needs is emptying each time, and occasionally it needs its brushes cleaned (those little wire thingies for cleaning hairbrushes are best).

And it is very light.

Thank you Annette for sharing. I have actually seen one in action, and it's cute.
Would like to see the day where "brooms" the word!

we debated this in our house as i needed to be able to use it.
in the end went for a non upright vaccuum (ie body with a hose) and got a Miele as was the lightest with good suction that we found (do you know Which? you get great reviews on there). to get it up the stairs and i take the hose and head / pipes off and then feel okay lifting it.

Good thinking Kiki, another example of thinking your way around the problem by breaking the load into smaller, less cumbersome loads.


Hi Oh-Mum

So glad you are going well, and are able to do all you want to do in the housework department. It is an interesting observation you make about using a smaller vacuum cleaner.

Mine is a barrel Electrolux. It is very cumbersome to lift because the handle is almost in the middle of the top, so I hit the sides of any doorway changing rooms. Why can't they put a grab handle at the hose end of the top so you can pull it along on its wheels like a suitcase? Otherwise what are the wheels for? I can remember the old Electrolux my mother had was quite compact, though the bag was no smaller than mine, and it moved along on shiny metal skids. I suppose my mum and I have never had polished travertine floors, so I have never had to worry about scratches. Ho-hum. I feel so deprived. <:->

I really don't see why vacuum cleaners have to be the size of a 4 wheel drive family wagon. They only pick up small things, after all!

I need all the encouragement I can get when it comes to vacuuming. I can ignore it for weeks, given half a chance. My big one is not yet ready for replacement, but a smaller one might get more workouts for smaller chunks of vacuuming. I will have to check out the current Miele, robotics and OceanBlue's new green Electrolux.

Is bigger necessarily better, because you don't have to empty them as often? How good are the tornado type that sort of centrifuge all the solid bits into a compact space?


not the smallest thing, but I have a ranch with no stairs so I don't have to lug it up and down. Its an upright so I just push it along. we vacuum at least every other day, with 7 people living here we generate alot of 'stuff' on the floor. and we have a little crawling baby so I really try to keep it sorta clean. she will eat whatever can't run away.
the dyson is bagless, which I like. can't run out of bags that way. and its got a nice washable filter too. and it never loses suction like our old vacuum did. my mil left us her old electrolux when they moved overseas (the thing is like 40 years old) and while its relatively light and works well, there is no HEPA filter and it leaves a bit of a residual smell after vacuuming.

Yes, granolamom, I think that the vacuum in Christine's dvd is a Dyson upright, not a canister, oops.