

First of all, thank you. You can probably imagine how relieved I was to find your website and all the info about prolapse. I noticed I had a prolapse about 5 years ago and saw a ob/gyn who thought it wasn't that bad, but really thought I should have a hysterectomy anyway because I have fibroids. I declined and really had no problems until a few months ago when I felt like I was falling apart, literally. Of course, because of the fibroids the surgeon I saw thought a hysterectomy was in order. I really didn't feel confortable with this and started to do some research.
I found some great information about fibroids and alternative treatments. I am trying natural progesterone cream and a product called Vitalzym, which is supposed to reduce and eliminate fibrin from the body. If anyone else is struggling with fibroids there is some great info at Since I started taking Vitalzym my digestive problems, (ie. heartburn, irritable bowel) have cleared up and the pressure I felt in my pelvic area has disappeared.
I have also ordered your book and video and am looking forward to getting myself back together! The forums are great and I have poured over the info I have found there.

Thank you again,

Welcome Jo-Ann,

Thanks for sharing your experience with fibroids, as others are also struggling with them and needing information. Yes, I think the best women can do is to try to maintain as healthy and balanced life as possible through those fibroid-growing years. I haven