My body is lying to me.


I'll be minding my own business when suddenly my body screams, "YOU NEED TO PEE NOW!" and then the feeling vanishes. I really didn't need to go.

And then I might feel an urge, so I go sit down and nothing happens. If I do a few half-Kegels I can get a small stream going.

What's going on? Are my nerves confused?

It's better since I've been doing exercises. At least I don't have to PUSH out the urine like I did for the first few months after the baby was born. And the constant infections are gone. And I no longer have to raise up to empty. So I know things are improving, but the above complaints are still valid.

What you describe often comes with a slight bladder infection. Can you take measures to flush things out and boost your immune system and see if that helps?

Maybe so. I might still have a low-grade chronic infection. If that's the case, at what point should I be concerned about it going up into my kidneys?

Well, it either goes to your kidneys or it doesn't. The idea is to be proactive about getting rid of the bacteria before it has the chance ;) Hopefully that will sort out the messages your body is sending you.

I have read that there's more D-Mannose in pineapple juice than there is in cranberry juice. D-Mannose (for those who don't know) sticks to the bladder wall and keeps bacteria from adhering there.

I feel like I need two courses of action: 1. exercises to support my bladder so this doesn't continue, and 2. pineapple juice so no bacteria can stick.

How will I know if it's gone to my kidneys or not? During the night last night I ran an unexpected, unexplained fever. I'm not sick. It lasted about 10 hours. I still don't understand it, but maybe I still have an infection.

Another way my body lies to me: I'll feel like I need to have a bowel movement, so I go sit down and then after a while I'll have a little toot of gas. That's it. My body can't tell the difference anymore. I also can't tell when I'm done urinating. I'll feel like my bladder is empty, but yet I know by the sound that I'm still going. And going. And going.

hi ribbit
I've had similar experiences. not so much with bowel movements, but my urinary signals are still out of whack since the birth of my third child, 6.5 years ago. some days I don't know I have to pee until my back hurts and I realize I haven't gone to the toilet in 8 or 9 hours.
when I first found my POP I felt like I had to pee constantly and I didn't. I also can't always tell when I'm done urinating. Its really weird, and I think its got to be due to some nerve damage I sustained during childbirth.
I've only had one UTI, and it was a real winner. wound up with a kidney infection and that was no fun, I'll tell you. took nearly 2 months till I was back to myself.
so go check out any fevers. back pain (especially on only one side) or chills are some other indications that you need a health care professional asap.
my dr told me that the cranberry juice I was swigging masked the symptoms of the infection by keeping it out of the bladder after it had already progressed up into the ureters. I have no idea if that's true or he was just unhappy with me that I tried to avoid antibiotics.
but UTI's scare me now.
drink lots and lots of water, make sure to completely empty your bladder. you can try to go on all fours.
set a timer and go pee every couple of hours.
if you feel sick, go to the dr

two thoughts.
sometimes i feel desperate for a pee, usually if i'm walking, and then if i shift position or sit down, it'll go away, and i'm fine for another hour. drives me bonkers. my theory is it is to do with bowels moving and pressuring on my bladder, maybe gas moving around? wondering if it could be teh same for you?

also, food can irritate the bladder. you can get an irritable bladder, that feels just like a bladder infection, that kind of irritated i need to pee feeling. really really annoying. i had that, and they kept wanting to do biopsies on my bladder as nothing was showing up re an inection. finally i cut out gluten, and lone and behold that, along with a bunch of other stuff, disapeared. doctor said it was unrelated (hmmm, figure that...) but later when i spoke to a pediatrician re my son when he was little and mentioned that when he ate gluten (also allergic) he wet the bed for three nights after, this doctor said that was common and to do with an irritated bowel pressing on the bladder, thus irritating that.
so could be a food issue? maybe keep a diary, though as it takes a few days to two weeks to get foods out of your system can be a bit hard to tell just from a diary.

and like gmom said, watch those symptoms and get to the doc asap if you start to feel really ill!

I had nephritis as a 9 year old, but they thought it was from another source, an infected crack in my foot. You could see the red trail going up my leg to my groin. My groin and my left leg hurt terribly. The groin plain was swollen lymph glands. I had to drag the leg, and I felt sick and tired. Fresh blood in my urine was the telltale sign of kidney infection. A month in bed with antiphlogestene poultices on my groin fixed it - no antibiotics, which were still quite new at the time. I guess my old fashioned doctor didn't trust 'em.


Well, when I go see whatever specialist it is that I'm going to go see, I'll ask about a kidney infection.

This is all pretty new to me. I always treat myself with herbs, vitamins or homeopathics, and now suddenly I'm thrown into the world of medicine and I don't like it.

My diet is very good. Grain intake is low--I only eat brown rice, quinoa, and occasionally rye and oats. No wheat. Every once in a long while I'll make something with spelt. I eat a lot of veggies and little fruit. Eggs and lentils and bulky root veggies are my staples.

I tend to think it's a nerve thing as well. I can be DYING to pee, and then switch my position and the feeling will go away.

My cervix is hanging very low. Could it be rubbing against the urethra and causing me to feel like I need to go even when I don't?

Also, I tipped forward this morning to see if I could empty more (after I thought I was done), and what came out was strong-smelling. So maybe I do still have some infection left. I'll be more diligent with making sure I completely empty.

When I'm in the shower I lean forward into fire-breathing position and empty.

Hi Ribbit

Hey, that's an important observation about the strong urine. I wouldn't be surprised if you can solve this urge to go, just by ensuring that you empty your bladder properly at least once a day. How strange that this last bit of urine was so strong-smelling!

It could also be possible that your low cervix is aggravating your urethra as well. Until we find out a bit more about the significance of the elongated cervix we will not know why it was first identified as a medical condition, what the symptoms are, or if it is regarded as being in the same box as all the pelvic organ prolapses.

It might not be an infection. Perhaps your bladder knows it has some strong urine in it, that has been there for a while and wants it out! Keep drinking enough water too. That will help to keep your bladder flushed clean and keep your urine well-diluted so it doesn't irritate the bladder or urethra.


What's this about elongated cervix?

Sometimes I too get confused messages from my bladder. Comes and goes. I think, if you do not have fever and it doesn't get worse and worse, you do not have to worry about it.

for me, some Nauli or a good pee on all fours helps a lot.

see Dreamer8's topic. Elongated cervix is not medically significant at all, just nuisance value, but it still might still be affecting your urethra.

I didn't get my wires crossed, did I??? =<:->

Ah yes, sorry. Your cervix is low, Dreamer's is elongated. Such variety we have ;-)


Can anyone tell me why the bulge near my vagina is good one day and then all of a sudden it turns on me and goes nearer the opening. Sitting even bothers. Even if I am not doing anything different. Sometimes easy to deal with and other times not so easy. First I get encouraged and then down I go. Up and down Not sure what I have. Doctors say different things. One says a fairly large rec, and the specialist, surgeon gyn says I do not have a rec but a small cys. The doctor was a rectal specialist in NY for the rectum check. I am going to the bathroom fine both ways. (as long as I eat as I should) Could going on a coke, chip, apple pie, candy bar tangent have done this. Still not sure what diet has to do with the celes, I do know about diet and the body in general.
Help, I am sure many are going through the up and downs, have read on the site. Love you all my new found family. Love you Christine!
Any information is welcome greatly, I am fairly new and still learning.

Hi Heavenly

I think you just answered your own question with the thought about C*ke (Which I consider to be an unutterable word, but that's just my opinion), chips, etc. There will be a whole different agenda going on in your guts than there would be with more fibre, more water, more nutrients, less fat, less sugar, etc. Your little junkfood binge would be great if you were an underweight endurance hiker, but even an endurance hiker needs a better balance than that. ;-)

But seriously, you have just had a little setback. Now get some good food and water into yourself and get back to sensible eating.

Why do we do this to ourselves? You're not alone, don't worry.

And as for the doctors, they're probably all correct at the time of the examinations, but not right in an absolute sense. Your abdominal and pelvic contents shift around all the time, depending on what is in your intestines and your stomach, what position you are in at the time, what you have been doing in the recent past, etc. They would probably even argue about it if they were in the same room, though I would hope that they would realise that they could both be right.

When the organs compete with each other for the spot nearest the exit we call them nature's pessary. When one organ rides up higher one of the others will come down further. that's why improvement in one 'cele often means that another worsens. It is not actually worsening, just being allowed to come lower by the absence of anything else holding it back. While they are all fighting none of them can get near the exit!

Hey friend.

The fight to reach the opening first continues on today. I am so tired of "pokeing around" down there!LOL It all seems to be staying in and that is good!! I have been studying food etc for years and have a lot of answers but that does not mean I follow it all the time. When I was for the past 2 ro 3 weeks had lost a lot of weight and there was not so much fighting going on. Gotta tell ya, you are a funny gal!!! While they are fighting none of them can get near the exit was sooooooo d... funny. Tried not to laugh too hard if you know what I mean. I do love my cokes but so long brown stuff. Love Ya Friend and thanks for you support and response