ovulating and cystoclel/rectocele symptoms


Does anyone think that their rect/cyst symptoms are worse at this time of the month? I have started exercising this week and am wondering if I have done something or could it be this certain time of the month...just trying to put 2 and 2 together as usual on this journey...hugs to all since I have not been onlie in a while. K


i am pretty new here. but, YES! the only time i feel my cystocele is when i ovulate. good to know others share this symptom. -lalita

Thanks for your reply! Does anyone know why?

The hormonal shift around ovulation is pretty extreme. Estradiol (estrogen) drops sharply and progesterone rises conversely. One of the main reasons this happens is to soften and relax the uterus in case implantation occurs, so it makes total sense that it would effect POP as well. I'm sure there are other reasons as ell but that is the main one that comes to mind.

i think lots of us notice changes, and they differ but can be mapped in each of us. mine is worse right before my period, but i don't really even notice it much now unless i go looking whilst early on it was soooo noticeable. but if i do go looking, i do find my uterus much lower. the only really noticeable change then is that i get constipated the week before my period which if i'm not careful does affect things.

At ovulation and about 3 days before my period, I get "bulgy" again. I also get mild PMS symptoms at ovulation too. So...I feel the same way. It's the hormone fluctuation.

I also tend to get super constipated at these times. I find taking Miralax helps SO much. And my gastrointestinal doctor said its not habit forming (like other laxatives). I also try to avoid white flour, dairy, and meat.