report, update, and some thoughts


Hello all,

I'm just about at 9 months postpartum. My delivery was in a hospital, with an epidural and some pushing, but minor tears (2 stitches?) and apparently my uterus went back into place quite quickly. Coming come from the hospital I felt great. I had some POP after overdoing it once about 5 days after giving birth (I felt so great I went and cleaned my 2-story house including vacuuming the stairs with a much-too-heavy vacuum) and then after about 2 months when I was so happy to have healed after a badly-sprained ankle (slipped down the last couple of stairs, thankfully without the baby!)

I saw a gazillion different doctors and every single one of them told me not to worry about what I was feeling. They made me feel like I was potentially attention-seeking which enraged me but all I could do was cry and that didn't really get me anywhere. I sincerely think they just didn't see anything when I was lying down. It felt like I everything was going to fall out if I stayed on my feet too long, even for the time it took to take a shower and get dressed. Anyway, I found this website and changed my ways and got better. I spent a lot of time side-nursing and taking little walks. Then I'd do something badly, or try to go back to pilates, and wind up lying on my side again, feeling useless and depressed. I still have "why me?" days and feelings of bitterness, but I know I'll get back to being as active as I used to be. I used to run, do pilates and yoga. Walk to places instead of drive as much as possible.

I had done prenatal pilates and yoga. My pilates instructor was excellent. After the POP I took a lot of time off and when I went back she was very careful to keep the exercises geared toward my condition. We did most of the work on the cadillac and reformer, not mat, so it was easier to avoid "bad" positions. After a while my schedule changed and I ended up having to join other groups with other instructors and I over-did it. There is just too much to avoid I think, and I haven't gone back. I still do some yoga and walking and hope to revisit the WW workout when my baby will allow it.

I get around a lot with my baby in a carrier (he has communicated a clear preference for "attachment style parenting"!)... first moby, then beco butterfly II, and sometimes a ring sling for quick in-and-outs and out-and-abouts.

Anyway, a couple of days ago I had to babyproof the basement. I was able to move the sectional and clean everything, including vacuuming, without exacerbating the POP. I am very proud. I stuck my bum out. (Thanks Louise.) I can do anything now!

As an aside, I switched to a Sanitaire S3681-D Canister Vacuum Cleaner which I found for just over a $100 bucks. It is tiny, basic, and excellent. (I used to have a big yellow Dyson that is way too heavy.)

So there is hope.

I'm even hopeful about running again soon. It's impossible to find the time with the baby and my husband's schedule, plus it made me feel like snuffle-upagus (sp?) when I tried before, so I'm sticking to walking.

And washing floors, scrubbing etc, makes me and my POP feel great.

Thanks Whole Woman.

Awesome! Thanks for such a positive post that many new postpartum ladies will value. I too feel great, like there is nothing I can't do. It really was awful way back when, but almost hard to remember now, you know?

for taking the time to post your update! I so respect how many post-POP women come back to share their success stories. You, of all people, know how important it is to keep the hope!