another article-uterine massage

The foundation premise of the Arvigo Massage Technique is that for a variety of reasons including repeated and traumatic childbirth, back injury and the chronic effects of modern lifestyle, a woman's uterus may prolapse and become misaligned in the pelvis. Dr. Arvigo maintains that this condition causes the uterus and attending organs and ligaments to be afflicted with inadequate circulation, compromised innervation and lymphatic drainage. Dr. Arvigo and her Belizean colleagues teach that with very easily learned techniques, these problems can be corrected and uterine health can be restored. To quote from her as yet unpublished book on the subject: "These Maya uterine massage techniques eliminate the primary cause of female complaints—the congested uterus, thereby preventing the progression of symptoms to chronic disease."

Hmmm, it seems that Dr Arvigo is on the money. Thanks for this, Alemama. I am sure we will hear more on this. I wonder, Dr Arvigo, are you one of our Members?
