Just wondering...


Hi all,

My bladder prolapse seems to be managable, but during a pelvic scan for a small post menapausal bleed which has turned out to be insignificant, I was told I have a largish cyst (9cm.) on one of my ovaries. I have yet to have a follow up appointment with the consultant, but wonder if anyone has experience of living with one. I'm hoping it can be left where it is, or even disappear as I'm told they sometimes do. I don't want to be told it needs to come out if it doesn't. It doesn't seem to hurt, but I'm not sure if it aches a bit or whether that is my imagination!
Thanks for any thoughts on this.

I bet it does ache. I think a 9cm cyst is kinda big to just disappear though. I don't doubt it can happen over time.
Hope your follow up apt. goes well and you get great news.

my experience with fiboid was positive. though the fibroid was fairly large. I got myself a highly recommended DOM (male) and he straightened out my diet in terms of bad oils like margarine, etc. got me off those and got me onto eating whole foods with real butter, olive oil, etc. forget canola he said, throw it out!

i was given some chinese medicine and the thing became small in a very short period of time and has never given me trouble. I still have it, but ever since he helped me about 8 years ago, my periods got very good in terms of coming on time, every 28 days more or less and no heavy bleeding.

Hi Tathagata

I guess it depends a bit on your age. Most reproductive disorders clear up with menopause, but I am not sure about ovarian cysts. I had them as a result of hyperstimulation as a part of infertility treatment, but they went down with the advancing of the pregnancy and I never had any trouble again. It was a drug that caused it for me.

I would check out Dr Christiane Northrup's book, Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom. It is full of inspiring stories of healing of conditions which are usually regarded as only curable with surgery or drugs that have potential to do more harm than good. I don't go along with some of her ethos, but I was impressed with the way she deals with abnormal cells and reproductive dissorders.


Thank you for those replies.