RE: prolapse sufferer looking for support


Thank you for getting back so soon, I'm glad to be welcomed to this forum. I intend to do the standing and sitting postures you explained, I already have been doing the standing one today. I haven't been walking much because it is difficult but I swim 3 times a week and the water helps support everything. I take short walks which is all I can manage, I used to do 3 miles with my dog every day. Even he is fed up stuck in the garden so much. I was wondering -the gynacologist put in a ring which fell out when I went to the toilet, I put it back in but it caused discharge and lower abdominal pain so I put it away, - maybe I could use it just for taking a walk or what are the sponges all about? I have some natural sponges I got from Greece, are they what you mean and would they stay in for me? I tried a home made remedy with a tampon but it caused bleeding by chaffing my very dry insides, then I tried soaking the tampon in water which ended up leaking in my knickers! I'm sorry so many questions but you seem to have the answers. Thanks for your patience.