RE: prolapse sufferer looking for support


I wonder if you or any of the other ladies heard of Maya Abdominal Massage details on site - I am going to London to find out how to do it next week. An american lady called Rosita Arvigo studied the massage which "is best known for the correction of prolapsed, fallen or tipped uterus" in central America from Don Elijio who passed away in 1996 aged 103 so he was a good advertisment for his craft which also helps prostate problems in men (which we are not going to worry about at this moment. If you haven't heard of it maybe you would check out the site and let us know what you think? There is another site I found interesting, there is a sequence of exercises which involves "puttings the organs in place", again a type of abdominal massage is used. The theory behind these abdominal massages is that it increases the blood and lymph flow to the areas of the torn or stretched ligaments and muscles in the area.
Let me know what you think. Thanks