Been awhile and I have questions!


Hello All,
Some of you may remember me, I was around consistently for a bit I guess about a year ago?... then not so much. I have had surgical repair (sling-mesh) two back to back surgeries, for cycstocele/rectocele which once repaired then removed the shelf they created that was holding up my uterus, which started to stick out of my vagina, so I had that repaired two weeks later., as well as a vaginal vault tack. That was in 2000.

Since then, I successfully had two children via c-section. I am grateful my children are here of course, three beautiful healthy kids total. And after my traumatic first birth that is at least in part responsible for my initial prolapse, I thought that following my surgeon's advice, that his failure rate corresponded with women who chose to have vaginal birth by 98% (as in those who delivered vaginally after repair were the ones whose repairs failed to hold), combined with the trauma and the fact that I was scared witless to go through more prolapse surgery (my only option I thought) I submitted to more surgery to bring my children into the world safely without tearing anything out. No one wants to hear "tearing" when referring to parts that were already "broken" and "repaired."

My current problem is this: I am 35 weeks pg with number 4 (SURPRISE :-)) and I am just dreading and I MEAN DREADING the c-section itself and the hospital stay and recovery. My poor scar and uterus do not want to be cut into a 5th time. :-/ Does anyone have any information on specific risks of post-prolapse surgery on VBAC? should I treat this as VBa5C? I can research multiple sections and find out if I am even a candidate for midwifery assistance at this late date, and of course, no hospital will touch me here after two c-sections, it will have to be a home birth, which actually I wouldn't mind if I knew I could reasonably attempt such a thing, midwife assisted of course ... am I at greater risk for adhesions and bleeding out because of my mesh surgeries?

Sorry for the book, but any information and support would be so lovely. My section with my son was horrible, I had bruising from how hard I was rocked on the table and they took him away from me while I was strapped flat and I kept asking and asking where he was... I held him for the first time almost 10 hours after his birth, and never did get an explanation. When I had the second section, with my daughter, we planned things differently, and she was delivered onto sterile drapes onto my stomach and I was able to touch her (through drapes mind, sterile field!!! ack) and greet her before she was whisked away. I got to hold and try to feed her in recovery about an hour later. In both cases, the hospital stay was bad, with nurses waking me to bathe off my privates at odd hours like 3am while they watched... sleep deprivation has been a huge issue for me recently and it was awful in the hospital last time and just thinking about the whole thing makes me want to run screaming!

Anyway, I guess I need to weigh whether, in truth, vaginal birth will add strain to my repairs and recreate prolapse (I used the posture but it doesn't jive well with what was done to me... I wonder if I should reverse the surgery? ha is that even possible??), whether it decreases my roughly 75% (or 50%) chance of having a successful VBAC etc.

If you got this far, thanks for reading, really truly!!!

I know one way or another I will meet my beautiful new son soon, and I will try to focus on that.

Blessings to all of you,

Hi Blissfulsinger,
Welcome back and I have lots to say but am time poor at the moment, so here are some links on vaginal birth after multiple sections to get you started:

The added considerations of your previous 'repairs' may or may not be an added consideration. If you care to let us know (or you can PM me) where you are geographically I might be able to tap into some people in the VBAC / homebirth community to help you out.

Sorry to be so brief ;)

Hi and thank you for the links and the reply... there are some new ones there, I will definitely check them out. I am going to make an appointment today with our local midwives service for an evaluation to see if they will consider my a candidate for vbac/homebirth; I have no time to lose if I am setting up a homebirth lol. I do have some resources here, (just not hospital which is probably ok) it's just that as I have looked for help in the past there is NO information on the interaction of those prior non-birth surgeries and how they might interact. It has just been assumed that I must have a c-section, period.

I'm in the US, Ohio. :-)

Hugs & Blessings,

I most certainly do remember you......congratulations on the pg!!!
surprise babies are the best : )
and a group of four is truly a blessing!
I know very very little about c-sections (though yours sound just awful) and I know very little about the risk of vbac with prolapse 'repairs'. don't know if the mesh, etc would prevent normal stretching of the tissues to allow for the birth. or would the stitches pop? honestly, I don't know.
as far as general vbacs, alemama is a wellspring of information. you might also want to check out ICAN (dont' know their website, but I'm sure you can google it)

aside from this concern, I hope you're feeling well and can enjoy your pg

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I think it's a good sign that you've come this far without serious issues like urinary retention. You must not have had a tvt, which is a blessing. I agree with gmom, though, that the outcome cannot be predicted. It would be helpful to know what surgical work was done initially. I have made a concerted effort not to use words like "lift" and "tack" because they only obscure our understanding and keep us in a position of lesser power. Do you know the medical names for the procedures you had done and have you read your op reports?

:) Christine

Hi Christine,

I had a repair using sling mesh (goretex) that grafted my uterus to my backbone. I was told by my surgeon that he would do a "Foji Pouch" repair on my bladder and bowel... I had enterocele, rectocele, and cysctocele repair as well as the uterine procedure described above. My surgeries were partially transvaginal, partially through the abdominal wall. I call the vaginal vault surgery a "tack" because that is the language my doctor used and he told me not to expect it to stay since there really wasn't much to anchor it to. :-/

I had read the reports... I have them. I will see if I can unearth them and find the technical language but hopefully this will give us a start towards understanding. I am moving very very slowly these days; baby boy is breech posterior and I am having lots of PSD pain and sciatica.

Thanks for any help you can offer. My family is very very worried about my even interest in attempting anything other than a c-section. I do realize that unless I can get baby to turn (there's still time) I stand a repeat of the nightmare birth I had with my first child, and that's assuming I manage to birth vaginally with the added stresses I have now. Posterior breech is nasty... and already happened to me once. So... I guess I start working on accepting "good" surgery as opposed to "being cut on." :-/

Thank you again,

It's impossible to know, Blissful, but I think given the extent of your "repairs", and therefore scar tissue, that surgical management is probably the best way forward.

I pray for the peaceful and successful birth of your beautiful son.
