LS and beta glucan


Hi everyone:
I just read about the use of beta glucan in the treatment of LS. Has anyone used this in their treatment?

I tried it with no results. However, I still have no idea what is going on with my skin as the latest "diagnosis" is eczema rather than LS. Will see a consultant in September and know more than, as this is the doctor just guessing. however, if we take the idea that any skin issue in that area is about inflammation and probably hormones, and beta glucan sorted inflammation, then i'd have thought it would have helped.
But i'm of the i'll try anything view, as long as it isn't going to hurt...
i know others on a past forum said it really helped thought...

any change with the MSM? i know it is early days...i read it can take up to 2 months to get enough into your system to impact on stuff. I"m up to 3000mg 2x a day which is probably a good maintenance dose, but some people reckon you should go up to 10,000mg for a while. need to read more to decide if i keep going up.


Hi Kiki,
Thanks for the note. I haven't tried MSM--am trying the DIM as I read the abstract on the clinical and it sounds really promising--it supposedly prevents LS from turning into cancer. How is the MSM working--what is its function related to LS? thanks, deb