anyone have fibroids and discharge?


Haven't posted in a long, long time! Still convinced I have a prolapse as a direct result of a failed endometrial ablation/hysteroscopy/D&C, even though four different doctors, included a renowned specialist, told me I have no more prolapse than would be expected at my age - a mild rectal prolapse. My symptoms are much better than when I started posting on this board originally. I still feel "something" when I lift a heavy object, but the constant feeling of a "slipped tampon" has abated greatly, thank goodness.

However, I am in perimenopause and continue to have problems. Heavy bleeding and clots during my period. Was put on thyroid medication which has helped me feel better in general but hasn't done much for the bleeding. Tried Lo-Seasonique to try to suppress period - after the first month I scrapped that idea because I had a six week period on this pill. Seriously. My doc allowed me to try my old bc pill - Norinyl - on a nonstop regimen to try to stop my period completely, but this hasn't worked, either -- a few weeks into it I started spotting and cramping - my body just seemed to really, really want to have a period, so I went off a week to have a period, and am now going to go back to taking the Norinyl 3 weeks on, one week off to see if that helps.

Anyway, I was diagnosed with fibroids, which is why I had the horrible hysteroscopy to begin with. I have noticed in the past year that I have started to develop this odd discharge. It is very watery and a pale yellow. It is NOT urine. No odor, or very little. Once or twice daily, I can actually feel this fluid gushing out, and it is enough that I have to wear a mini-pad - regular pantyliner won't do it. I have found very little information regarding fibroids-discharge, but it does look as if fibroids can cause this.

I have a bad feeling that when I talk to my ob/gyn about this, the word "hysterectomy" is going to come up and I have already decided long ago that the only way I will have one is in a life-threatening situation. I do not even want to have anything diagnostic that is invasive, like a hysteroscopy, because I'm afraid I'll wake up with yet more damage to my pelvic organs, and that one awful experience has changed my life, and for the worse, believe me. I am still very angry that almost every dr I have talked to has said no way that the hysteroscopy/failed ablation/d&c could cause any kind of damage to my pelvic organs. I finally talked to my current ob/gyn - a nurse practitioner (female) - and she reluctantly admitted that a procedure like that COULD cause pelvic damage. So, why would I subject myself to a second one when the first one has almost ruined my body?

I think I could deal with this if I knew this wasn't some awful something going on with my body - if I knew this was normal. I've looked into other options for surgically treating fibroids and none of them look good to me. I am praying for menopause - just turned 50 and as I am on the pill, it will be hard for me to tell when I'm getting there. My hormones aren't anywhere near it. I take the pill to treat endometriosis as it has always worked extremely well with keeping the pain under control. When I have tried to go off, I experience extreme pain, so it seems to me I would rather keep taking the pill than try one of the other endo treatments, because they all seem to cause horrible and drastic side effects.

Has anyone had any experience with fibroids and this strange discharge? And has anyone successfully waited out the fibroids until menopause (when I am told they will diminish)? If so, I would love to hear any advice/tips/reassurance. Sorry for the long post but as I said, I've been off the board for a long, long, time - so I'm playing catch-up. Thanks so much.

I seem to remember a thread several months ago involving heavy periods, fibroids, Dr. Christinae Northrup, and Vitamin K deficiency. If anyone can help me search for this information, HELP! In the meantime, I found Dr. Northrup's site ( that provides some ideas for nonsurgical relief.

My mother in law is 55, diagnosed with fibroids 6 years ago I think. About a year ago I found out how helpful iodral (iodine supplement) and began taking for hypo thyroid symptoms. My mother-in law to had hypo thyroid things happening in her body, she was on a small dosage of synthetic hormone. Anyways she and I began taking 50mg of iodral and she has a ultra sound today -- fibroids are gone! Her levels all have improved in her blood test as well and she has weaned herself to only take the synthetic hormone every other day.

I originally started iodral for thyroid and then read information about it getting rid of fibroids to. Neither of us was sure it would work but low and behold it did! her fibroids were making her uterus the size of a 4-5 month pregnant woman. They have not shrunk b/c of menopause as she has not even gone through that yet, still gets her period every month.

Perimenopause can be such a difficult time. I used to sometimes think I was in the film, The Excorcist, because so many weird things used to happen with my uterus and other parts of me. The heavy bleeding seems to be the last hurrah before bleeding tails off, but it seems like an eternity, and I know several women who have opted for hysterectomy because they just couldn't stand it any longer. It is a bit like transition between first and second stages of labour, turbulent and disturbing, but it does eventually settle down into something else, that is better. It sounds like you are doing a lot of options to make it work. No doubt the endo is making it worse. I do hope you get to the peaceful stage soon. It will pass.

I had my LMP (no fibroids but heavy bleeding for a few years, then tailing off for the last three years to less frequent and shorter, then stopping altogether) in February 2009, aged 56. It can't go on forever, but it is long enough to send women rushing off for whatever sounds like it will help. Hysterectomy is very permanent, and it is still not going to solve your endo, is it, unless you have oophorectomy as well, which has its own set of cascading effects?


Hi! I realize this is a 7 year old post, and my reply may be far too late to be acknowledged, but I thought it was worth a shot, considering I am experiencing the very same thing you describe with the fibroid and watery discharge.
I wonder if you ever found an answer or remedy? Or if this is just something that happens to anyone who's had an endometrial ablation with an existing fibroid? And it just has to be waited out?
Hope to year back from you! And hopefully you've just transitioned into a peaceful menopause by now!

Having this problem for the past 2 years. My doctor can't figure out why. I've had fibroids for years including one myomectomy but they grew back. Thinking of having the artery embolization and hopefully it will go away. But yes, very annoying!

so after about the age of 30 my periods started getting very light - they went from 6-7 days to 2 days, and no longer heavy at all. I also developed somewhere along the way, days of clear fluid discharge, usually after my period. I searched online over the years wondering what this could be - it was odorless, very watery, not at all sticky or egg white-y, and there'd be enough of it to soak through underwear sometimes. I'd have to wear pantyliners. It would only happen for about a week after I the short light period.
I never did find an answer - I asked 2 different gyne's and neither one could say what it could be. I was worried for a long time but I kind of figured that I read enough women online were questioning it that maybe it was something normal? I never had any pain or anything associated with it other than it was very annoying, especially as I could feel gushing at times.
4 months postpartum now and I'm having a lot of yellowy/clear odorless discharge as well - haven't had a period yet. So I'm not really sure what it could be. Maybe ovulation? but ovulation discharge isn't watery like that...
so, not very helpful - but I thought I'd let you know I've had this too.

This is not coming from a medical observance but my own experiences: I have to wonder if some of us just aren't a little more lubricated than others? I have noticed during a lifetime to be more lubricated at some times than others as in ovulation, sexual stimulation, breastfeeding(for me, at least; I know some women experience more dryness), and now during prolapse, I do noticed it a bit more. I guess I don't mind that, especially since I have a profoundly prolapsed uterus, because my cervix is kept moist and doesn't get dry and chafed.
As long as it isn't foul smelling, accompanied by itching, or very discolored, In my humble opinion, I wouldn't be worried.

I have been diagnosed with fibroids in 2014. I had a laparoscopy, because for a very long time I had a uncomfortably discharge, sometimes with little traces of blood, and pain in that area. The discharge was like mucus creamy and watery. After having the operation, the doctor told me they "removed" a bit of the fibroids. As a consequence the discharge decreased dramatically, but still had a little discharge.

Just very recently (more than one year ago) I started to experience pain again and the discharge came back, although not as before. But now I have like watery discharge and it happens more often when I wake up in the morning as I get out of bed I feel it gushing out. I have to wear a pad because I get really wet. But sometimes during the day fluid keeps coming out at any time. It's like white/transparent, it doest smell. It comes flushing down like is urine. But I know it's not urine.

I'm researching online for fibroids and vaginal discharge but there is not much information about it. But I'm 100% sure that it is related to the fibroids.

Another thing that I'm having is getting extremely wet during sex. I mean really wet. So I'm wondering if someone with fibroids have experienced that as well.
