Ovarian cyst



I have already mentioned my ovarian cyst. Its large (9.5cm!), and I've been told that it should be removed, which might be possible by 'keyhole'. I'm post menopausal and its non cancerous; It seems that these ones may twist or sometime haemorrage. It does seem to be twinging a lot. It seems likely that the ovary will have to come out too.
I wondered if anyone has any comments or similar experience. I've been given a date for admission, and will have pre admission tests a week or so before.

Hi Tathagata

See if you can borrow from your library the book Women's Health Women's Wisdom, by Dr Christiane Northrup. Northrup has a lot to say about resolving these conditions like abnormal cells, cysts, fibroids etc without surgery. She has also written a book about menopause which I have not read yet, but sounds good too. She is a gynaecologist, but she looks beyond the medically obvious.


Thank you; Louise I'll see if I can get it.

I have been doing a lot of research on the lack of iodine which is really overtaking our culture. Just a few minutes ago I was reading about lack of iodine causing ovarian cysts and other problems in the female areas. The net will tell you how to actually check your levels or a Dr. I would prefer the test found on the net.LOL Iodine deficiency is not always detected with medical tests. Also lots of info regarding cancer and lack of iodine. Check it out. Just food for thought. I know Christine uses Kombu.
I just had a sandwich. Toasted Kombu, lettuce and tomatoe. It was great. Tastes like bacon to me. I am a vegetarian. Great testimonies regarding disappearing cysts and all from adding iodine. You can get capsules or whatever at the health food stores but always check with your doctor, I have to say that. I don't know your health situation in other areas but do some research on your own.
Good Luck Kiddo

Where it says search, type in Kombu and read everything there. I did not think to do that before I sent you that comment. More great comments.

I went along to my local Chinese/ Japanese supermarket and got some sea weed as well as Kombu. I haven't tried the Kombu yet but rehydrated seaweed tastes just like its called! Still as its got the iodine I'm having a spoonful every day! Anything's worth a try; I'm sheduled to have an ovariectomy in a weeks time so hoping the cyst will have shrunk enough by then and that key hole is posible. I didn't want surgery but having been told they sometimes twist and cause haemorrhage I decided to have it. Not 100% sure its the right thing though.

It's really hard to ever be 100% sure. I hope it shrinks too :)
do you like sushi? that's the best way to eat seaweed
or in soup. shred and drop in soup and it adds just the right amount of salt flavor. yummy

Well I was sitting gowned up, waitingt for my op, anti DVT stockings on, nail varnish removed, forms done, when the surgeon returned to say his list was cancelled due to the lack of a consultant anaesthetist; Iwent back home! So I now have more time to find out a bit more. Do ovaries continue to produce useful hormones after the menoupase? In which case I most definitely want to hold on to my other one. I was a bit annoyed to find out that I could have had both out if I'd wanted! I assume its a protection against ovarian cancer. I have seen that there is some evidence that removing ovaries brings a greater risk of bone problems later.

I have found some places to get information. http://women.webmd.com/surgery-for-ovarian-cysts. Also Dr. Northrup writes about a link of ovarian cysts to estrogen dominance at http://www.drnorthrup.com/womenshealth/healthcenter/topic_details.php?to.... I think your surgery was postponed almost miraculously. Since the cyst is non- cancerous, take as much time as you need to get more information about getting rid of the cyst without surgery.

Thank you. Will be looking them up.